Record Stay Set - a little advice please

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Established Member
10 Jan 2007
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I have just acquired a Record No 5 1/2 which just needs a bit of a clean up. I am not familiar with the Stay Set type and on dismantling the plane I noticed that the two pieces of the cap iron have a hole but no pin to locate them.

Am I correct in assuming that there should be a pin to locate them ?
If this is correct how necessary is the pin to the correct operation of the plane?

Cheers :D
Hi Tony
Yes, there is normally a pin in the piece with the leteral adjuster slot.
I would guess not essential, but maybe a piece of piano wire could be epoxied/soldered in?
Hi Steve
Thanks for confirming I have a pin missing - now to dismantle the piano and find the epoxy :D

Cheers :D
I'm not familiar with that plane but I have carried out a similiar repair on a different tool where a pin was missing. I used a nail of a matching diameter, cut to length, with a small bevel filed on each end. I degreased the hole before gluing the pin in with superglue. The pin was a tight fit in the hole anyway and the finished job was very strong. I guess Loctite bearing fit would be good in this application too.
Hi Tony,

The pin is certainly not essential to the function of the plane. The interlocking grooves will hold everything square and once the lever cap pressure is applied then nothing will move anyway. I would see how you get on without it before spending too much time and effort trying to fix it.
Thanks Mathew. Not found a suitable pin yet and as you say it looks like it should hold up without. Will see after a little fettling and most importantly sharpening the blade how it goes

Cheers :D