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    • BillHoughton
      Here in the U.S., there's a product called Shoe Goo, a variant of a product called Goop - basically, a high grade rubber cement. In my...
    • BillHoughton
      The answer depends partly, in my experience, on what covers your walls. If it's plasterboard (or, as we Americans say, sheetrock or...
    • BillHoughton
      BillHoughton replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
      And this year, our election here in the breakaway colony may include some burning effigies, too! You guys don't get to keep all those...
    • BillHoughton
      BillHoughton replied to the thread Planecraft.
      I prefer the earlier version, which has information on period procedures that you just can't find (or at least I haven't) in other...
    • BillHoughton
      BillHoughton replied to the thread Faded japaning..
      the paint color makes very little difference to planing quality.
    • BillHoughton
      BillHoughton replied to the thread No 3 plane too small.
      On some No. 3 (Bailey pattern) sizes, there's not a lot of finger room between the tote and the adjuster. Try leaving your hand open...
    • BillHoughton
      Looks like a Millers Falls 04 drill, so your choice of color for the gear wheel is more or less correct (may/may not be historically...
    • BillHoughton
      The Stanley No. 62 low-angle jack plane - the inspiration for the Lie-Nielsen plane and the spiritual inspiration for the Lee Valley...
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