Mobile speed Camera Vans

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Roger you are mixing up Speed Limits with safe/sensible/suitable driving speeds?

On Derestricted Roads the Maximum Legal speed for Single Carriageways is 60mph for Dual Carriageways the limit is 70.
This does not mean that you should travel at these speeds whilst travelling on them - you should drive according to the conditions, and at a speed that you can stop safely within the area you can see.

Other speed limits are brought in for safety reasons - decided by the local Highway Authority in consultation with the Police.
Lots of factors are taken into account including location ( most urban roads have a 30 limit for example), topography, accident record, traffic figures and typical speeds.

With regard to maintenance costs - the most expensive to maintain are Motorways due to their high standards - the cheapest are country roads which probably only need a surface dressing every 10 yrs? Most damage is caused by Heavy Goods Vehicles and PU's digging up the roads.
Junctions are generally treated with a high skid resistance expoxy surfacing.

Average Speed Cameras are the only system that the Highway Agency will admit, without reservation, actually work in reducing speeds.
They have made working on live highways much, much safer.
Although very annoying, it's just not feasible ( both in economical or safety reasons) to take up and remove the numerous signs whenever there's nobody working.

This is a really depressing thread to read. My views on speeding changed when I started cycling. On the bike, I get dangerously close passes and tailgating, as well as hornblowing and abuse from too many drivers, every one of whom is no doubt convinced that he or she is more than usually competent. There are lots of places where there is not enough room to overtake a bike safely in accordance with the Highway Code, but almost every single driver will squeeze past. Since one hit me, I try to prevent overtaking.

Look at any width restriction post in the road - it will probably be covered in scraped-off paint. Look how often island bollards are knocked over, or how many roadside railings get bent out of shape. Look at all the people who drive while phoning or texting. How many of those drivers think themselves highly competent? I want these dangerous lawbreakers caught and fined, with bans if they keep offending. Many drivers are in my view temperamentally unfit to hold a licence.

Some here think it is ok to speed, justified by saying things like a road is virtually never walked on so there is no need to worry about pedestrians. Has it not occurred to them that people don't walk along fast and busy country roads because drivers speed? Think of two villages half a mile apart, with a through road without pavement, lighting, enforced speed limit or bus connection. Children in one are unable to visit their school friends in the other unless someone gives them a lift. Few adults will dare to walk or cycle on that road, which is full of people doing the school run, because the road is too dangerous.

I use my own judgement about speed. I don't keep to the speed limit. I aim always to drive under the limit, whether or not there is a queue behind me. It adds little to the journey time. The idea that it's unsafe not to do 85 in bad weather on a motorway because there are drivers following is lunacy. I drive at the speed I wish to, and if others can't overtake, they can wait.
Harbo":3qo6xtw5 said:
Average Speed Cameras are the only system that the Highway Agency will admit, without reservation, actually work in reducing speeds.
They have made working on live highways much, much safer.
Although very annoying, it's just not feasible ( both in economical or safety reasons) to take up and remove the numerous signs whenever there's nobody working.


They could easily put up those temporary signs that say 'cameras not working'. Not that hard.
Harbo":z1qmrv83 said:
Roger you are mixing up Speed Limits with safe/sensible/suitable driving speeds?


Not at all. You confirm what Mark, I and others are saying. That it is the wrong speed for the wrong road and weather conditions. Walter Hall makes a very good point in that it is so much easier to say "You have broken the speed limit" than to say someone was driving like a plonker....regardless of the actual road and weather conditions at the time.

"I was driving at 30 mph, officer, in the 30 mph zone and I didn't see the child run out". Maybe because one was complacent. Brain in neutral.
Finial":3ace5m94 said:
This is a really depressing thread to read. My views on speeding changed when I started cycling. On the bike, I get dangerously close passes and tailgating, as well as hornblowing and abuse from too many drivers, every one of whom is no doubt convinced that he or she is more than usually competent. There are lots of places where there is not enough room to overtake a bike safely in accordance with the Highway Code, but almost every single driver will squeeze past. Since one hit me, I try to prevent overtaking.

Look at any width restriction post in the road - it will probably be covered in scraped-off paint. Look how often island bollards are knocked over, or how many roadside railings get bent out of shape. Look at all the people who drive while phoning or texting. How many of those drivers think themselves highly competent? I want these dangerous lawbreakers caught and fined, with bans if they keep offending. Many drivers are in my view temperamentally unfit to hold a licence.

Some here think it is ok to speed, justified by saying things like a road is virtually never walked on so there is no need to worry about pedestrians. Has it not occurred to them that people don't walk along fast and busy country roads because drivers speed? Think of two villages half a mile apart, with a through road without pavement, lighting, enforced speed limit or bus connection. Children in one are unable to visit their school friends in the other unless someone gives them a lift. Few adults will dare to walk or cycle on that road, which is full of people doing the school run, because the road is too dangerous.

I use my own judgement about speed. I don't keep to the speed limit. I aim always to drive under the limit, whether or not there is a queue behind me. It adds little to the journey time. The idea that it's unsafe not to do 85 in bad weather on a motorway because there are drivers following is lunacy. I drive at the speed I wish to, and if others can't overtake, they can wait.
It must be nice on your planet. To drive at 85mph with several hundred (thousand) drivers in front driving at 85mph and several hundred (thousand) behind driving at 85mph is not lunacy. It's common sense and self preservation. It shouldn't happen, but hey ho, it's reality! Sorry.
I drove on the M4 going in to London, my mother kept her eyes shut for 40 miles because it frightened her witless. At 85mph, I couldn't see from one end of an artic to the other, but there was someone 20yds in front and someone 20yds behind. Of course it shouldn't happen, but it does - what should I have done - prayed to the sky fairy?
phil.p":xdym6ngz said:
It must be nice on your planet. To drive at 85mph with several hundred (thousand) drivers in front driving at 85mph and several hundred (thousand) behind driving at 85mph is not lunacy. It's common sense and self preservation. It shouldn't happen, but hey ho, it's reality! Sorry.
I drove on the M4 going in to London, my mother kept her eyes shut for 40 miles because it frightened her witless. At 85mph, I couldn't see from one end of an artic to the other, but there was someone 20yds in front and someone 20yds behind. Of course it shouldn't happen, but it does - what should I have done - prayed to the sky fairy?
What should you have done? Answer: slow down to 70. The several hundred (thousand) drivers in front then disappear into the fog, the driver behind you slows down to 70 and the several hundred (thousand) behind do what they want it's no concern of yours.
Then you could relax a bit and your mother could open her eyes as she would no longer be scared of your manic style of driving.
To the OP, yes it would be nice if they sited cameras in the best places to increase safety. Maybe they think that they do. But I am not that vexed if they site them elswhere.

I am in the minority called 'below average drivers'. I have at times in my life driven cars, bikes and even small trucks on a regular basis. Some of my vehicles were above average performance. I have at times succumbed to the illusion that confidence, an expensive vehicle, and a bit of luck proved me a superior driver, but I have got over that.

I also realise now that pure technical ability is only a (minor) part of the skill set needed to share the roads with other users (and by that I include pedestrians, cyclists, livestock and wildlife - even tractor drivers). Consideration for others of varying degrees of skill and confidence is at least as important; as is treating other road users with respect and politeness. In my view these later traits far exceed the importance of technical ability. In fact, politeness and consideration are transferable skills well worth cultivating.

In the 35 years that I have been driving I have had no major accidents, no fines, no points. In my early days this was probably dumb luck and empty roads, latterly I put it down to dumb luck and careful driving (and avoiding the M25).

Drive safe, drive considerate......
DrPhill":1e2zqxx0 said:
To the OP, yes it would be nice if they sited cameras in the best places to increase safety. Maybe they think that they do. But I am not that vexed if they site them elswhere.

Hi Phill

Yes I think this thread has gone so far off the track of my original post that however entertaining and enlightening it may (or not) be, it has surely run it's course. Starting to get boring now - someone start a sharpening thread - please :lol:

As to your part reply above, where they site them doesn't really bother me too much either in as much that I try to stick to the limit so don't get zapped however I do, unless conditions dictate otherwise, drive at the limit i.e. 60 in a 60 zone and get irritated by drivers dawdling at 30 or 40 in front of me, usually a line of 2 or 3 when it's unsafe to overtake. They seem to have all the time in the world - I have to work!

I am annoyed that the authorities blatently lie about the cameras and my post highlights that as anyone who knows this area of road would, and have testified. Why don't they just hold their hands up and admit that it's taxation, I can live with that as like you I haven't paid any of it.

The real campaign by locals and our councillor is for a greater police presence on the road to pick up not only speeding but the careless drivers who are the cause of the vast majority of the accidents. He unearthed the van stats as part of that and the authorities were reluctant to disclose the figures. I wonder why? :roll:

Well said, DrPhill, I completely agree and I can't see anywhere in any of my posts where I advocated doing anything dissimilar. I am only saying a speed limit is an arbitrary line in the sand that can in the right circumstances, be stepped over, if you are happy to take the risk, WITHOUT endangering yourself and anyone else.

I cant see why that makes a person out who does this, some kind of Mr Toad hate figure to so many of you here........I am not advocating dangerous, inconsiderate or inappropriate driving, or doing this all the time, simply if the conditions are right and safe, then often, no harm is done by driving at more than the limit. Similarly, its often sensible to drive at below the limit, if conditions dictate.
phil.p wrote:
"I drove on the M4 going in to London, my mother kept her eyes shut for 40 miles because it frightened her witless. At 85mph, I couldn't see from one end of an artic to the other, but there was someone 20yds in front and someone 20yds behind. Of course it shouldn't happen, but it does - what should I have done - prayed to the sky fairy?"
So that's about a half a second gap according to my calculations.
Maybe you could let us all know where and when you are planning to drive in the future.
I can honestly say yours is the strangest justification for speeding, that I've ever heard. Not just speeding, but downright dangerous driving.
"I had to drive at 85MPH with a half second gap between me and the car in front(in bad conditions), because the driver behind was doing the same thing."
I'd like to be a fly on the wall if you ever try to use that logic as an excuse in court.
It must be nice on your planet. To drive at 85mph with several hundred (thousand) drivers in front driving at 85mph and several hundred (thousand) behind driving at 85mph is not lunacy. It's common sense and self preservation. It shouldn't happen, but hey ho, it's reality! Sorry.
I drove on the M4 going in to London, my mother kept her eyes shut for 40 miles because it frightened her witless. At 85mph, I couldn't see from one end of an artic to the other, but there was someone 20yds in front and someone 20yds behind. Of course it shouldn't happen, but it does - what should I have done - prayed to the sky fairy?

No it's not nice here, on account of your planet's careless, reckless, arrogant and aggressive drivers with their over-inflated sense of entitlement. If visibility were that bad I would slow down to about 20 before I got to the pile up! The loons behind could do as they like.
A 30mph limit was imposed on a local, previously unrestricted rural road, presumably because of the contruction of an access road for the installation of wind turbines. This limit was there for about three months before reverting to unrestricted.

The silly thing is, the limit didn't start until about two months after the turbines were installed and commissioned.
Never in the forums of UKworkshop was so much bullshame spouted by so few to so many.

Unbelievable claptrap.
Of course it's dangerous to travel at 85mph in bad weather - in those circumstances there probably should have been a 30mph limit. But there wasn't. I would love to have slowed down, but the loons behind would have become the loons on top of me. The only safe speed to be was exactly the same speed as everyone else. No one in their right mind drives like that for fun, but unfortunately one driver cannot dictate the speed of hundreds of others. If anyone thinks they can, I'd very much like not be anywhere near them when they try.
So is there any speed that you would balk at? There has to be a limit even if you are caught up with a lot of lemmings. I would rather they overtook me. Better to have them in front than behind.
phil.p":1t3qo10y said:
... but unfortunately one driver cannot dictate the speed of hundreds of others. .....
You only want to dictate the speed of the one behind you, the others don't matter. You do it by slowing down. It works every time. Try it!

I have been passenger with a driver like you Phil. Can be a nerve wracking experience - too fast, too close, too much braking and accelerating. No wonder your ma keeps her eyes closed!
Looks like I need to settle back again for some entertainment.
Jacob your right, it is you the car in front that dictates the speed of the car(s) behind you.
Let's put this to bed eh, it's done it's course.
Anyone want to know about my early Christmas present? :ho2


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