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    • peter-harrison
      peter-harrison replied to the thread Glue or not to glue.
      Totes agree. It's asking a lot of timber that's outdoors to slide smoothly in a groove. OK for 100mm but a big ask for 1000mm. It's...
    • peter-harrison
      I have fitted hundreds of probox drawers and have never had one fail. 12mm is fine for a dovetailed drawer, maybe a bit OTT- lots of...
    • peter-harrison
      Do your utmost to avoid having a macerator in the shower room. They are the pits. We had one, and eventually had to put in conventional...
    • peter-harrison
      My guess would be greenheart. I am pretty sure it isn't lignum as it has a very pronounced grain and there is a big difference between...
    • peter-harrison
      peter-harrison replied to the thread Is this timber Teak?.
      Teak has a very distinctive smell- a bit like the inside of an old medicine chest. It also feels waxy when fresh planed.
    • peter-harrison
      peter-harrison replied to the thread Is this timber Teak?.
      It's hard to say what with all the varnish etc, but it doesn't scream teak to me. Someone on here will ask you for a photo of the endgrain!
    • peter-harrison
      peter-harrison replied to the thread Selling advice.
      I have been a member of Cambridge Open Studios for 30 years off and on, and it has been great for me. It's 4 weekends in July- you can...
    • peter-harrison
      peter-harrison replied to the thread Spindle Moulders!.
      I use reverse (why do we call it that? It's just spinning the other way) about 1/4 of the time. One situation you didn't mention is when...
    • peter-harrison
      peter-harrison replied to the thread Use of Bees wax..
      I have a Richard Raffan bowl. I don't know what it's finished with but whatever it is is quite durable. I was taught to polish turnings...
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