Lots of hot air


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19 Feb 2015
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North Cumbria
We have all seen the news recently regarding the increasing threats from global warming, so what is going to change following the UN climate summit in Glasgow this November, maybe a list of promises to do something one day but I doubt very little else because in reality what can they do. To make a big change will require an immediate ban on all fossil fuels and crude oil /gas extraction, come on let's be realistic as who can or would support such an action because it means winding down economies and telling people what to do, no more flying for a holiday. This pandemic taught us that governments will try and protect their economy at all cost because it provides the revenue to do anything, and that people do not follow guidance so now what. We no longer have time on our side because we have been to lethargic to react and instead of spending money on technology and ways to save the planet we spend millions on ways to destroy each other and too much time looking at making money at the expense of others, so as they say all good things must come to an end.

The government is not looking at the bigger picture and is just being way to slow with change. They know house building standards do not meet the needs of the future, yet there are thousands of sub standard sheds being built that will be around for the next fifty years, surely things that are longer term problems should have been addresed by now as they are all just contributing to the changes.

So in the Uk, no more ICE vehicles from 2030 and a transition to EV, not the magic cure because the UK is not a large contributor to greenhouse gasses, look at Asia where the population is booming with huge demands for power that cannot be met with just renewables, without coal how do they keep the lights on and industry going.

Given the timescales what can come out of that climate summit apart from a lot more hot air just adding to the problem, they all know what has to be done but who is willing to impose such drastic change on their country first, measures like birth control and reducing available choice of goods, basically a massive impact to our way of living.
Its all in Gods hand. Those that can see it can see it for want of a better phrase. There is nothing us "highly intelligent" humans can do about it. We carry on thinking we can but when you really look into it, theres truly nothing we can do. Its a one way path and the end of it is not far away, what is in the book in Revelation is happening today.

Regardless of what you believe or dont believe, its becoming increasingly obvious nothing can be done about it as you say. Shoot me down those who will but I believe what I believe and wont change that for anything.
Your preaching to the converted.
"UK plastics sent for recycling in Turkey dumped and burned"
Sorting out the waist is just basic start to going green.
Saw some eco grown fruits yesterday in sainsburys wrapped in plastic.
We are ! doomed ! and we will take all life on earth with us...lol
You are right, 45% of waste in the uk is "recycled". What they dont tell you that over half of that 45% is burnt in incinerators. so in theory really less than 25% of waste in uk is actually recycled. but then you dig into that even further and a lot of that 25% is sent over to the far east to countries like Malaysia and Philippines for "recycling" where in fact it is just burnt or dumped in riverways and the ocean because those countries receive way more waste than they can process all the while having no internal infrastructure themselves to deal with their own waste that could be recycled.

Climate change is just a convenient discussion to have when in reality governments cant do anything. People scream for change but like the OP says, any real change would have a severe impact on our liberty and freedom and those same people screaming out today will tear down their own governments tomorrow for the changes they made should they listen to them today. There is no win here.
There is a lot of desperation going on, leaders making farcical claims without any obvious means of implementation.

Joe Biden, has vowed to halve US emissions by 2030, provide billions in climate finance to poor countries and initiate a sweeping programme of incentives and regulations to stimulate a low-carbon economy.

“The US Congress must pass President Biden’s ambitious climate plan ahead of Cop26, to both lock in strong American action and put added pressure on China and other major emitters to finally cut their emissions,”

Again a case of "you need to do this" but how? China like others cannot just turn off the lights, there is no magic solution and they are not just producing green house gases for the fun of it, more out of necessity.

Climate change needs to be treated like a control system, the bigger the problem then the larger should be the response to correct the error, but you can only control what is within your remit.
but then you dig into that even further and a lot of that 25% is sent over to the far east to countries like Malaysia and Philippines for "recycling" where in fact it is just burnt or dumped in riverways and the ocean because those countries receive way more waste than they can process all the while having no internal infrastructure themselves to deal with their own waste that could be recycled.
A good old western concept, out of sight & out of mind but take the brownie points. If nuclear waste could be dumped somewhere else then they would have by now but they know that it could be returned by terrorist against us so instead we will dig a big hole and hide it underneath some unfortunate community in exchange for a small bribe, it is these ideas that have got us to this point and very deep into the pooooh.
they are trying to control the worlds weather systems, that in itself it hilarious and laughable, reality is we aren't in control, chaos is the natural state not order.
Why worry about it, nothing we can do. Technology will adapt to overcome any problems that occur, it's not a like an asteroid is going to hit the earth or anything like that, we are talking very slow changes and we don't even know the outcome. Live your life and be happy, that's what I am trying to do, just surviving day to day is hard enough, let alone worrying about the future.
Why worry about it, nothing we can do. Technology will adapt to overcome any problems that occur,
It hasn't done so far in the various regions suffering the worst of the fires, floods, droughts. When are they going to press the button?
it's not a like an asteroid is going to hit the earth or anything like that,
Er, it is though.
we are talking very slow changes and we don't even know the outcome.
We are talking very fast changes and we are experiencing the outcome.
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......I believe what I believe and wont change that for anything.
A lot of people have the same problem even when the evidence is in front of them.
Add that to the vested interests (oil and coal industry) and we have years of inertia and resistance making the thing unstoppable.
No. Ignoring evidence and hoping things will just go away. It's not about beliefs it's about evidence.
Im fully aware of the evidence but clearly you misunderstood my post. I believe what i believe due to the first part of my post.
You mean it has been wished upon us by God?
Like I say you don't get it. So don't worry, I won't argue with you about it. Just accept I have a differing opinion to yours, it's truly not that hard. I have no problem with your opinion I just politely disagree and shan't argue with you over it any further.
Like I say you don't get it. So don't worry, I won't argue with you about it. Just accept I have a differing opinion to yours, it's truly not that hard. I have no problem with your opinion I just politely disagree and shan't argue with you over it any further.
I accept that people have different opinions to me, otherwise we wouldn't be here talking about them!
OK. I politely disagree, won't argue but would say you don't get it. It's hard to see how people can ignore evidence so easily.
I think you need to worry a little more!
Thanks Jacob. I do worry and I do what I can as much as possible in terms of recycling, adjusting my buying habits as well as many other things. My main point is i just don't believe we can influence as much as we think we can.
Because every single weather event is obvious evidence of the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Emergency, whether it be warming, cooling or neutral, we are all, imminently, going to die. The only way to fix this is to have a command economy run by experts, who will tell us what we can and cannot do, what we can and cannot eat, and where we can and cannot go. Interestingly the same command economy with the same brutal invasions of all aspects of life is also required (and being put in place) to save us from the appalling pandemic. What an astonishing coincidence!

Today I have been reading about Jupiter being 500 °C hotter than it should be. This has, allegedly, been conclusively proven to be caused by solar winds. Currently the IPCC make no allowance for the sun doing any heating other than the the obvious and unvarying sunshine, so that may need to change. Perhaps climate is driven by the sun after all, rather than burned dinosaur bones as supposed.

I have also been reading up on the Beaufort Gyre, and how this will, at some point soon, tip us into a dramatic cooling something like the little ice age.

Lots of intriguing "alternative" Science out there, but you won't find it in the Guardian. The climate is quite possibly about to do some very alarming things, but also possibly not what people are telling you it is going to do. Hotter is better for all plants and animals; cold kills everything. We are overdue for the end of our current interglacial, so what could possibly go wrong?

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