How Many Guns does one need to be safe?

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And who amongst you says a lady should not be allowed to have a gun under her pillow to stop any intruder raping her?
(the intruder might be HIV positive)
Don't get me wrong the last thing I want is for ladys to have guns under their pillows, my point was gun crime is not related to the number of guns.
Dan Tovey":3i5d7gbq said:
I hate the whole idea of guns.

But for the other 99.9% of us, gun ownership is completely indefensible IMO. If general ownership was allowed the it would simply mean that all criminals would carry guns, instead of a tiny minority, thus increasing the danger to us all.

In that case would you mind explaining why the murder rate in England and Wales was about a third less in the 1930s and before, when there were no limits (even on full auto) on what people could own and it was quite legal to carry guns for self defence?

Those suggesting that the general public in this country should be able to keep guns to protect themselves are displaying paranoid tendancies of a rather worrying nature. Not to mention irrefutable evidence of extremely small penises.
So not really caring what my neighbours legally own = paranoid.
Believing that were all safer now than ever before thanks to lower levels of gun ownership, despite significantly higher murder and violent crime rates = sensible.

The guys who really love their guns rather than see them merely as hunting or pest control tools are the paranoid redneck cretins with the tiny dicks.
I'm afraid I don't have any personal experience or hard data to refute this and don't want to search about varying lengths of the male member on google for obvious reasons, so i'll have to defer to your knowledge on the relationship between ones size and ones guns. Do you have any reputable sources to quote or are you just relying on, erm, 'surveys' you undertook personally?
Where I work the guards (MPGS) on the main gate used to have pistols (Brownings I'm led to believe) but when I went home each night a quick look at the hand grip showed a big black clip! Nowadays though they sport SA80's which is a slightly different kettle of worms.
In my previous branch, the wife of one of my mate's who works on the gate and who's about 5' tall (she's also in charge of some very nasty doggies) came in and asked for a slack handful of T bags. "No problemo" says I "you can have as many as you want, 'specially as you're cradling an SA80" - Rob
snapper":dg5d7qzv said:
I'm afraid I don't have any personal experience or hard data to refute this and don't want to search about varying lengths of the male member on google for obvious reasons, so i'll have to defer to your knowledge on the relationship between ones size and ones guns. Do you have any reputable sources to quote or are you just relying on, erm, 'surveys' you undertook personally?

:lol: :lol: :lol: I think someones been having a little rumage around in the old underpants dep't whilst in the USA, may even know George Michael. :lol: :lol:
snapper":3fmodn6o said:
In that case would you mind explaining why the murder rate in England and Wales was about a third less in the 1930s and before, when there were no limits (even on full auto) on what people could own and it was quite legal to carry guns for self defence?

Could this have something to do with most people living in communities where everyone knew eveyone else, in large extended families, and a culture of deference? Maybe the absence of large scale drug abuse might be in the mix too......

There really is too much simplistic argument going on in this thread......too much black & white and not enough grey. Too much rehearsal of entrenched views and cultural norms. Personally, I hope it gets shut down shortly before people start getting too hot under the collar.

Well said Mike. The level of generalisations is huge and mostly opinion only with few facts. Probably shows we all have a tendency to imagine the worst and consider it real.

I am already pretty hot under my collar about this thread.

Best to shut it down I think.

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