How Many Guns does one need to be safe?

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Grinding One":3fvo4gnz said:
Ok, I am crossing England off of my list :D

It's OK, you'll be perfectly safe- she can't get hold of one. :p
Strange about the fear some here are showing about 'guns' being made legal and the 'country being awash with them'. Till 1996 hand guns were legal here.
Strangely, I haven't seen the deaths from shooting fall since then.
Legal fire arms have never been a major problem over here, it's the illegal ones that are being used in crimes.

And the judges have managed to redefine the word 'Mandatory' in relation to parliament's 'mandatory' five year prison term for their illegal possession.

Some facts that I think are interesting

The murder rate in 1986 in England and Wales was 1.12 per 100,000 people
Between then and '97 we banned and confiscated all semi auto rifles, lever action rifles and handguns, taking hundreds of thousands of lethal weapons out of the hands of the population.
The murder rate in 1998 in England and Wales was 1.43 per 100,000, or to put it another way we were 28% more likely to be murdered than before.

The murder rate in 1986 in the USA was 8.6 per 100,000 and
Between then and '97 tens of millions of weapons, including many millions of semi auto rifles and hanguns were sold to the public and may states gave permits out that allowed people to carry handguns.
The murder rate in 1998 in the USA was 6.3 per 100,000, ie Grinding One and his fellow citizens were 28% less likely to be murdered than before.

I must admit I have a great deal of difficulty in believing that the 'common sense gun laws' have made me any safer, or that bans on 'combat knives' and new 'tough knife laws' will do anything other than provide a smokescreen to allow politicians to do nothing that will actually reduce violent crime whilst wasting large amount of taxpayers money and police manpower harassing the 99% who commit very little crime instead of the 1% who commit almost all of it.

As Jake pointed out the USA has more murders of all categories, and has had for at least a century - even when UK and USA gun laws were the same (ie no restrictions on ownership) prior to '30s the USA rate was a multiple of the UK, although I don't think that the UK has become more civilised as our gun laws tightened and our murder rate rose.

well i go shooting with my mate and his air rifle had a good few pidgin and a few rabbits for my tea (i get the food :lol: )the thing is his air rifle would kill a person at close range but when i stayed at his and the local travellers decide to try and still our bike we both went out with criket bats and snoker ques :oops: seems dumb when we did considering they had shot guns (we didnt now till we had hit one of em) :roll: any how they ran off :shock: i personlly think guns are bludy dangerous but in the right hand safe, mush like a T/S
So, what should we make of all the comments and statistics? well, for my money, it is irrelevant, if the perpetrator of a crime is weilding a knitting needle or a bazooka because:
A... the risk of being caught and charged is 50/50 and worth chancing.

B... If the perpetrator IS caught and charged, he/she has the luxury of 3 square meals a day, pool, television, table tennis, a warm room, (low earnings) free education, benefits paid whilst still inside, blind eyes turned to drug smuggling, etc etc, the time has surely come to make doing time SO uncomfortable that once experienced, one would not wish to go through it again, if not, then why, should I as a taxpayer make sure that me and my family stick to the straight and narrow.
It's not the act of toting a weapon that is wrong but the thought that if one were to use it to kill someone, then, so what?

Guns , 8)

I use 2 and shoot them every day , the smaller clarke one is used more than my dewalt one (because they both work aswell) they are both 18 gauge 8) 8) 8)

So do i need a framing nailer/gun also :lol: :lol: :lol:
As said before,people who use guns,get locked up for a time get out and do it again,and most of the killing is being done by repeat offenders.If we hang them crime will go down.
Another thing bullets used to contain lead,now all steel to save the poor animals that did not die due to being shot but dieing due to lead poisoning.
Perhaps in these economic climes the cruise ships business will shrink, our government could then accommodate more prisoners on these ships and anchor them up near the Caribbean. We would definitely needs guns to protect ourselves then. :x
I hate the whole idea of guns.

Fine, if you are in the Scottish Highlands and fancy a spot of deer stalking, you might want a hunting rifle.

Or if you are a farmer and need to keep rabbits and pigeons under control, having a shotgun is reasonable.

But for the other 99.9% of us, gun ownership is completely indefensible IMO. If general ownership was allowed the it would simply mean that all criminals would carry guns, instead of a tiny minority, thus increasing the danger to us all.

The fact is that the vast majority of gun crime is amongst criminal gangs in inner city areas, and killings are generally gang on gang ones, with innocent members of the public very rarely victims.

Those suggesting that the general public in this country should be able to keep guns to protect themselves are displaying paranoid tendancies of a rather worrying nature. Not to mention irrefutable evidence of extremely small penises.

If in America ownership of a gun is neccesary in order to protect ones family, then surely this is because gun ownership is so universal!

My trips to the USA rather confirm my suspicions. The guys who really love their guns rather than see them merely as hunting or pest control tools are the paranoid redneck cretins with the tiny dicks.

Digit":1sw8ofp3 said:
And the judges have managed to redefine the word 'Mandatory' in relation to parliament's 'mandatory' five year prison term for their illegal possession.


That will be the Sentencing Guidelines Council then. And not influenced by Labour Govt policy at all. that a pig I see flying?
My lady friend in the USA keeps a rather nasty looking modified gun under her bed. (perhaps for men with big ones.) :wink:
snapper":2x13neuu said:
Between then and '97 we banned and confiscated all semi auto rifles, lever action rifles and handguns, taking hundreds of thousands of lethal weapons out of the hands of the population.

Small point but certainly semi-automatic rifles can be purchase legally with a valid firearms certificate.
Grinding One":2gvdp75t said:
As said before,people who use guns,get locked up for a time get out and do it again,and most of the killing is being done by repeat offenders.If we hang them crime will go down.

You are right again. I'd not apply it to crimes of passion. For example, the wife who suffered beating at the hands of her husband until she finally snapped and killed him. She's likely not to do it again.

But there are those whose brains are simply wired differently. Killing is akin to a junkies 'fix' for them. So they should either be hung/whatever or never ever let out. Explains why Fred West and others commit suicide in prison. The realisation that they'll never get their 'fix' for a long long time.
OK Dan, you're entitled to you view but as I asked earlier, what about my very basic right to defend my self. What justification is there for classifying blow pipes, pepper sprays and stun guns as 'firearms' and banning them.
Carrying any item specifically for self defence was made a criminal offense in 1946, I doubt you will find many other countries that define self defence as a criminal act under any circumstance.

one of the highest guns per person countries is Canada (way higher than USA), yet it is one of the safest.
Media hysteria fuels fear levels in America increasing gun crime.

I had a gun but gave it away as I didn't want my son doing what I did with my Dad's guns when I was a lad. Growing up involves a lot of luck, I had my fair share.
Same applies to Scandinavia and Switzerland Doc, but that doesn't fit in with the anti's view point so doesn't get a mention.

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