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5 Oct 2014
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Sunny Glasgow
Crocodile Dundee analogy :LOL:
That's not controversial thread subject matter...THIS IS...

And I'll wager you all thought this was going to be about,nail,staple and veneer pinners. 😉 :LOL:

In light of previous trials,and other numerous similar to identical cases, and while we in the UK(See above Forum banner) might feel it's none of our bally business, we do have one at least member who is, so I direct this question there, and of course everyone else can join in with their own 'advice in such matters' or thoughts on the subject.

In the case of policemen, and women(Let's not be sexist too though did you see what I did 😉 ) people are shot in the USA,by police. The point here is people shot while trying to what we in Britain, playfully call "Showing a clean pair of heels" while trying to escape or run off while in the process of being arrested.
Now I understand some might be reaching for a weapon, or is such a danger to the public, in such cases of terrorism for example, that firing and incapacitating or killing the suspect is warranted, or would later in all honesty to be ratified by those we place to ratify such things, but there is an obvious tendency for the police to shoot people just because they are trying to get away.
It is the act that someone trying to get back into their car, or are leaving the scene rapidly, where the law hasn't managed to search that possible suspect, who may have a concealed weapon , which would automatically have the officer fearing for his life or that of the public that lends this tendency to fire first, ask questions later and tantamount to a rapid trial, judge and jury, followed by guilty verdict and execution sentence carried out forthwith follows by one individual,or more also acting as individuals is due to the number of lethal easily concealed firearms available to the general public, which clearly then states in no uncertain terms that the 2nd amendment to the constitution of the United States is utterly utterly wrong, and should be abolished and all personal guns should be turned over to the authorities immediately. Hunting rifles should be stored in police stations when not in use and not kept at home.

One enquirers humbly your reasoning on this subject.

runs for cover.
Hunting rifles should be stored in police stations when not in use and not kept at home.

Would you apply this to the UK to? Not very practical as they would have people wanting access to their guns day and night due to the nature of hunting, and many stations are not staffed now. I think the right to bare arms or arm bears or what ever it is, is way to generic which in turn requires law enforcement officers to be armed and the results of this are ever present. Here in the UK we have a reasonable balance and thank fully apart from RAPT and specialist officers the UK at best has a Taser, PARVA spray, and a baton, and best of all a voice. Long may this remain.
Well your aim is laudable, population of the US about 328 million, number of guns in the US 390 million according to a search I just did. A very hard-core minority would not want to give up their guns and it would be ok Corral time all over the states to try and take them off them. I’m afraid the bird has flown on this one. I may be moving to live in the states this year and I feel it would be appropriate to have a gun in the house- for self defence as all the lowlife nutjobs have guns. Ian
Would you apply this to the UK to? Not very practical as they would have people wanting access to their guns day and night due to the nature of hunting, and many stations are not staffed now. I think the right to bare arms or arm bears or what ever it is, is way to generic which in turn requires law enforcement officers to be armed and the results of this are ever present. Here in the UK we have a reasonable balance and thank fully apart from RAPT and specialist officers the UK at best has a Taser, PARVA spray, and a baton, and best of all a voice. Long may this remain.

There is a UK police force fully armed 24/7. Not hard to guess where.....
Even when constable Joe or Jane come to your house talking about neighbourhood watch etc. Wish they weren't armed but.....
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Would you apply this to the UK to? Not very practical as they would have people wanting access to their guns day and night due to the nature of hunting, and many stations are not staffed now. I think the right to bare arms or arm bears or what ever it is, is way to generic which in turn requires law enforcement officers to be armed and the results of this are ever present. Here in the UK we have a reasonable balance and thank fully apart from RAPT and specialist officers the UK at best has a Taser, PARVA spray, and a baton, and best of all a voice. Long may this remain.
Its not about me old chap. my humble opinion is only my humble opinion
Just a question of logic, ethics type of thing.
Just stop letting police officers get away with shooting people for no good reason.

Also maybe teach them which one is the flippin taser if the latest one is anything to go by.

You'll never take their guns. But sensible steps should be taken.
Police service personal are human beings too and have spoken about regrets and heartache from the act. They shouldn't need to be put into that position. Or is the care less about the individual human ?
While the PSNI are armed at all times on duty, and at their own discretion off duty.

It is a bit of a stretch to say the GB police are unarmed, While community beat officers don't display firearms some are in fact carrying concealed in certain circumstances. And even where beat officers are unarmed a vehicle carrying firearms much more powerful than those available to US beat cops is a radio call away.

Don't ask me to prove it, I can't. It's just what I've picked up in conversations with people who claim to know.

A lot of peeps get Heated up about guns. But Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

Statistically the US states with the most lax gun laws have the lowest gun crime.
First, no thanks on the whole confiscation thing, and second, I'm not aware of many cases where shooting a fleeing suspect is justified.

I'd imagine there's 10k who run and aren't shot for every one shot. I doubt there are many legitimate fears of a concealed gun, but I'd imagine concealed knives are a common fear of police, and we see the officers who get carried away.
While the PSNI are armed at all times on duty, and at their own discretion off duty.

It is a bit of a stretch to say the GB police are unarmed, While community beat officers don't display firearms some are in fact carrying concealed in certain circumstances. And even where beat officers are unarmed a vehicle carrying firearms much more powerful than those available to US beat cops is a radio call away.

Don't ask me to prove it, I can't. It's just what I've picked up in conversations with people who claim to know.

A lot of peeps get Heated up about guns. But Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

Statistically the US states with the most lax gun laws have the lowest gun crime.
No. People with guns kill people. It's very rare for a gun to kill anyone without another person being involved. Australia did the experiment for you. I'm sick of people trotting out trite phrases like "guns don't kill people". Total bo11ocks.
No. People with guns kill people. It's very rare for a gun to kill anyone without another person being involved. Australia did the experiment for you. I'm sick of people trotting out trite phrases like "guns don't kill people". Total bo11ocks.
And can we see those statistics you speak of? Were they compiled by the NRA?
I'm slightly sceptical.
I see the officer said he/she thought they were going for their taser. It's easy to be skeptical, and I haven't watched a video, but I wouldn't want to have both available in a panic.
Just stop letting police officers get away with shooting people for no good reason.

Also maybe teach them which one is the flippin taser if the latest one is anything to go by.

You'll never take their guns. But sensible steps should be taken.
Education should be the first, then immediate suspension from armed duty, so clerical only, for a minimum time for anyone who discharges their weapon or is with another officer who does, going up on a sliding scale depending on the injuries (if any) to anyone in the vicinity of the shooting, with automatic expulsion from all police forces if there is a death unless a full judicial trial decides that the shooting was the only possible answer.

It is perfectly possible to have a country with armed police who almost never use their guns both with an armed population (Canada as many or more guns per head than USA) and without (Japan) to give a couple of examples
Well your aim is laudable, population of the US about 328 million, number of guns in the US 390 million according to a search I just did. A very hard-core minority would not want to give up their guns and it would be ok Corral time all over the states to try and take them off them. I’m afraid the bird has flown on this one. I may be moving to live in the states this year and I feel it would be appropriate to have a gun in the house- for self defence as all the lowlife nutjobs have guns. Ian
Stats about gun ownership in USA say that owning a gun increases your chance of you and/or your family getting shot. Most likely by accident but nevertheless a risk.
Shooting oneself in the groin or buttocks seems common. There have been cases of people being shot by their own babies, having found a gun tucked away in a pram etc! Shouldn't laugh of course. :ROFLMAO:
As far as we know incidents of people defending themselves successfully with guns against armed low life nut jobs, is vanishingly small. It's a childish fantasy born of cowboy and gangster movies. - all that 'saved by being quick on the draw' nonsense
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And can we see those statistics you speak of? Were they compiled by the NRA?
I'm slightly sceptical.
Sceptical too, but perhaps where gun crime is lowest so is gun control, as it is less necessary. Cause and effect. It doesn't follow that relaxing gun control where guns are a problem would make them less of a problem.
I'm sick of people trotting out trite phrases like "guns don't kill people". Total bo11ocks.

You may be sick, but it doesn't change anything. I know people who have owned guns most of their lives and killed no one.

Around 10,000 people outside police and military are licenced to go armed in this jurisdiction. As far as I know none have been used except in self defence, or unfortunately suicide.

GB has a pistol ban and very tight regs for owning a rifle. but people still get killed.

I don't believe for a minute that some one gets access to a gun and immediately thinks O goody I must go kill someone.

BTW you edited my words when you quoted to give a different meaning.
GB has a pistol ban and very tight regs for owning a rifle. but people still get killed.
But fewer than in many less regulated places
I don't believe for a minute that some one gets access to a gun and immediately thinks O goody I must go kill someone.

Nobody else thinks or says that either.
You may be sick, but it doesn't change anything. I know people who have owned guns most of their lives and killed no one.

Around 10,000 people outside police and military are licenced to go armed in this jurisdiction. As far as I know none have been used except in self defence, or unfortunately suicide.

GB has a pistol ban and very tight regs for owning a rifle. but people still get killed.

I don't believe for a minute that some one gets access to a gun and immediately thinks O goody I must go kill someone.

BTW you edited my words when you quoted to give a different meaning.
I didn't edit anything. I just hit the reply button.

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