Going to Boston, USA


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4 Jun 2019
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Hey All

After having two kids, getting through a pandemic the wife has granted me two whole weeks of me time whoohooo, ( don’t worry I’ve left her with her parents). I used to go to Boston with work a lot and it’s been a while so I decided that it’s time to see friends and whilst I’m out there discover some American woodworking “stuff”. I’ve never been into a rockler store before - so that’s going to happen but was wondering if anyone had any other recommendations? Must admit I do like to shop a bit but open to other ideas.

Not going to be a lot of help to you, but we flew into Boston a few years ago, didn't get to explore the city though, as we had a car and hotel booked, so needed to leave straight away. Took the rental car down to Cape Cod for a few days, which was really nice. I can only advise that you research your retail opportunities, as much as you can, before you go.

I don't remember Boston having any stores for the enthusiast woodworker so yes research before you go because there must be one somewhere.
It's been a while but ...
If you are into the outdoors then there were good sized stores from Eastern Mountain Sports and REI pretty close together.
Legal seafoods was a popular restaurant for fish.
If you rent a car which is a bit of a must, you could visit the Kittery Trading Post and outlet stores well up country.
Or there will be a branch of 'Dick's Sporting Goods' not so far away.
Photography enthusiast ? You could pre-order gear from 'Really Right Stuff' that isn't available in the UK.
Like the outdoors ? There's the north shore, up throught the Essex River, and for a properly big day drive out past Portland and on to the White Mountains and Mt Washington.
Thank you all. Shopping wise I’m pretty well versed and yes looking forward to REI and the like. I found a rockler store in Cambridge MA so will be checking that out. Will be looking out for woodworking equipment bargains even in home depot etc
Hey All

After having two kids, getting through a pandemic the wife has granted me two whole weeks of me time whoohooo, ( don’t worry I’ve left her with her parents). I used to go to Boston with work a lot and it’s been a while so I decided that it’s time to see friends and whilst I’m out there discover some American woodworking “stuff”. I’ve never been into a rockler store before - so that’s going to happen but was wondering if anyone had any other recommendations? Must admit I do like to shop a bit but open to other ideas.

Clever wife has convinced you that her two weeks of me time are actually yours 😀

There is a lot of traditional boat building in the area. The USS Constitution is definitely worth a visit, though can be a bit touristy at times

It is of course a short 3 hour drive to Lie-Nelson Tools. Yes I have done that 😜
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We’ve toured New England and found the Woodcraft stores are pretty good for a nosey too.

Whilst they and the Rockler ones are principally the same whatever state you’re in, having been to a few they do have an individual feel to each of them.
Hey All

So after a very quick flight I arrived in Boston, well about an hour outside actually. I went to the rockler store in Salem yesterday (no sales tax), my first time ever and I really liked it. I really wanted to buy an incra mitre 1000HD but it’s non metric and yes I can get it online in metric but by the time you pay the sales tax you make only a 20 pound saving ish compared with back home in the UK, so not worth it. I did however get some small other little bits but I can now considering a L Nielsen low angle. Any ideas on the best place to get them in the US?
I did however get some small other little bits but I can now considering a L Nielsen low angle. Any ideas on the best place to get them in the US?

According to the LN website, the only U.S. distributor is Highland Woodworking in Atlanta.

If you have enough time remaining in Boston, you might call LN and ask how quickly they can deliver what you want to your hotel.
Thanks Mike. I am seriously considering making the 3 hour drive as I’m not sure I’ll get that opportunity again. Quick question re the Incra 1000SE, does anyone know if it can be converted to metric?
Haha Roger that. Packed lunch it is. To be honest yesterday for lunch I bought a sandwich, cup of tea and an apple. I almost died as it cost me 15 dollars.
My wife just returned from WA, she paid $11.50 for a cauliflower. Checked in Tesco this morning, 92p.
She also brought back a pound bag of split peas(don't ask..). The label says $6.99.
America is no longer cheap, in fact it's pineapple expensive!
@NewbieRaf Highland in Atlanta are a great place to visit - quite a large rambling place over 2 floors in a nice part of the city.
I might be wrong but I think the opening hours were different to other places, so best to check beforehand.
I’d heard from friends that prices generally had jumped and not just because of exchange rates. Out of interest, what were the petrol prices like now and eating out? I’d often found general food stores dearer than the UK anyway.
Cheers - Dave
Thank you @Puggers ill check it out. Eating out is man, so expensive. Here is a picture of the menu at the barking crab a seafood place in Boston and yes ok it’s sea food - expensive but come on 27 fish and chips
Oh sorry I lost it, but here is a receipt of a simple sandwich, cup of tea, apple and water. Also I just paid about 8 dollars for some lynx deodorant. It’s truely eye watering


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