eBay numpties


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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
Reaction score
In the eternally wet North
No..not buyers or sellers but eBay numpties. Or rather the numpties that thought what a whizzy idea it is to shove stuff at you on the homepage based on your recent purchases and/or searches.

Because there you are. Having spent ages thinking up a surprise Christmas present, researching it and tracking it down and ordering it. Only to find that the halfwits at eBay plaster your homepage with "You just bought........ and you might be interested in ..........." right where the intended recipient can see it. No more surprise.

Mind you, Amazon and worse and if that Bezos pillock starts sending his bloody delivery drones over us then I will shoot them down.

[/rant over] must get more meds

Its what in private browsing for, and watching porn!

RogerS":1l0s54mk said:
Private browsing doesn't stop eBay or Amazon homepages!

Does your spouse have your eBay login/password?

My home computer is setup with separate logins for me and SO.

bugbear":3jnemtx0 said:
RogerS":3jnemtx0 said:
Private browsing doesn't stop eBay or Amazon homepages!

Does your spouse have your eBay login/password?

My home computer is setup with separate logins for me and SO.


No she doesn't ..in fact she has her own iMac. But when she comes wandering in to my study and looks over my shoulder .............. :(

TBH it's all so much unnecessary 'noise'. Life is busy enough without all this extra ⅽrap that the likes of eBay and Amazon fill your screen up with. I am, like probably most others on this forum, intelligent enough to make my own mind up and research stuff for myself. .
I get slightly irritated by the 'people who bought x also bought y' adverts. Why? did they need two almost identical items from different manufactures? Blocks they did. Do amazon think I am a half-wit, just because I shop with them? er .........
And Amazon's Recommendations for You in Music based on something you bought. No rhyme or reason to their recommendations. Not that I want them in any case.
RogerS":3fyiejel said:
And Amazon's Recommendations for You in Music based on something you bought. No rhyme or reason to their recommendations. Not that I want them in any case.

It's the same with films. Even worse the recommendations change as soon as you put something in the shopping basket. How do I know I like it if I haven't even seen it? :shock:

on the ebay thing there's an option to clear all that stuff off isn't there?
Alex H":x2t09j6u said:
on the ebay thing there's an option to clear all that stuff off isn't there?

I thought that there was but it seems to keep coming back. Or they introduce new improved features to 'enhance your shopping experience'.
if you don't stay logged into eBay, they don't know it's you (or your wife) and can't display anything they believe you might be interested in.
Sounds like that horse has already bolted. Another reason for me to stick with the traditional Christmas Eve trip to the BP forecourt shop...
It helps a lot if you only allow cookies for trusted sites. Plus set to auto delete all the flashplayer "cookies" that they use these days ( just keep the original flash player cookie). These are not stored in the cookie directory but in the flash player directory.