cyclone hunt, part two

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11 Oct 2014
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I've been hunting for a 4" cyclone here in Cyprus for a long time, but finally gave up.
I started hunting for someone to make one for me, but had 4 refusals in as many days.
Got offered one for the cost of shipping it from Germany, but the time scale was quite open ended and my extraction cant suck the dust off a non stick surface even if I brush it towards the nozzle.
Went back to to hunting for materials to make my own. Got another turn away, and went next door to a factory that makes the giant steel girders for warehouse frames.
The guy had less English than I have greek (in other words, none).
I had a scale drawing with me. he looked at it, I managed to convey it was for wood dust. He walked away..... oh well.
Just about to leave the factory floor and he walked back in.... carrying a 4" port all metal cyclone!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weds, Thurs, Fri? :shock:
it was in his scrap pile! He has welded a top on it and 4" tubes top and side, all for the princely sum of 70 euro cash.

Its rusty, its lumpy, and its about 25 kilos of 4 mm iron, but frankly my dears, I dont give a dam. 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

I have a full day ahead of me cleaning the worst of the rust and all of the ragged welds, and then a good coating of hammerite (cant decide between black or red?)

What a nice birthday present 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
I foresee a video game version in the near future. The plucky little Sunnybob character, on a quest to explore the mythical island and find the hidden treasure, guarded by the old artificer who speaks only an unintelligible language, lost to ordinary mortals... ;)
Thats way too close to the truth to be funny :roll: :shock: :D

back in the dawn of time I had an Atari computer game that loaded from a cassette tape (TWENTY minutes to load it each time :shock: ) that was called "Bounty Bob strikes back" that could easily be relabelled to "strikes gold". :lol: 8)
Might post some pics tomorrow, but lots of things to do.
I was about halfway down your post and just about to compose a reply offering to cut the polycarbonate to size for you and send it over.
Glad you got what sounds like a great result.
Well played. Serendipitous.

It's always suprising how well you can communicate when neither party speaks the other's language.
Deadeye":2d680acr said:
I was about halfway down your post and just about to compose a reply offering to cut the polycarbonate to size for you and send it over.
Glad you got what sounds like a great result.

I've made a note... it always pays to have a plan "B" :lol: :lol: 8)
Although I suspect you would back out of the shipping offer when the bill arrived. A couple years ago I tried to buy one of those cyclone central flat pack poly carbonates... they wanted £240 for the shipping alone :shock:
Maybe thats why I dont see them around anymore (hammer) :roll:
Trainee neophyte":3n72lhvp said:
Well played. Serendipitous.

It's always suprising how well you can communicate when neither party speaks the other's language.

A picture is worth a thousand words :lol:
Luckily although the language is almost impossible to learn (at least for me) the numbers are same. =D>
It appears to have been a mixing hopper in a factory. The top was open, and there were two x 1/2" pipes into the sides.

Closer inspection today showed that the guy only welded one of the 1/2" pipes closed, so I have had to cut the other one out and grind it back.
Its up at my local metalworks now, getting a fixing strap welded across the back (and of course, the hole closed up)

This is it, before any attempt at cleaning, The base hole is a 120 mm, and the two new tubes are 105 mm which is perfect for sleeving to 100 mm flexible. Its 400 mm across the top.

I think its going to be hammerite red. I have a large tin that needs using up, and its too far gone to attempt a tasteful restoration :lol: 8)

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The big red machine, in place, waiting for the holes to be drilled, but that has to be tomorrow now because 'er indoors reckons its too late to start hammer drilling
:roll: :roll:
I'd understand if we had neighbours (hammer) (hammer) (hammer)

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Got it hung and finished now. Thats a 50 litre can. You can see there is not a lot of room in my workshop :roll: The motor is running, and the bag is against the cyclone and the garage door.

Just need some time now to make enough dust to test thoroughly. :shock: 8) 8)

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