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I agree with what Blackswanwood said, I've in the past liked and thanked for some of your posts so what's been said has clearly hit a nerve and I won't respond in kind to what I felt was an out of character comment as you're right I don't know your circumstances although tbh I never suggested that I did.
To put the record straight however I'm a very long way from public school education. I did go to grammar school via 11+ exam and managed Uni but certainly had to work for it.

Whatever it was you suffered was clearly very wrong and I could never attempt to understand.
I don't want a slanging match, we have enough to worry about at the minute so I won't comment again either, lets hope we can leave it at that.
Mike, thinking of you Mucker. I won't give gratuitous - and probably useless - advice, but I'm hoping like hell your "fit as a fiddle" mantra a few days ago also reflects your T-cells capabilities.

I appreciate the points raised about Covid 19 and related loss of income Gents, and I wish everyone well (have already done so, "pages" back), and am happy to do so again.

But sorry, I must just correct Fatman G's comments when it comes to my own personal experience and history:

Point 1 - I was NEVER educated in a public school - it was a "Technical Secondary Modern" (I failed my11 Plus);

Point 2 - From the age of 11 until almost 16 I WAS brought up in care (Kent County Council).

END OF THAT "TRUE STORY" (as far as I'm concerned).
Cheshirechappie":2320r5tg said:
New measures to combat coronavirus.

All non-essential shops shut.
Only leave home for essential reasons (buy food, medicines, etc) or once a day for exercise.
All gatherings of more than two people banned, except for funerals.
Sweeping police powers.

Review after three weeks.

Strewth. Not really got head round this, yet.

Article with video of PM's statement. ... ckdown-uk/

It is good. This is what should have been done weeks ago. The delivery was still a bit half-hearted and with mixed messaging, but it is the only way to taper it off. We'll still lose lots of lives we could at least have pushed out to right on the timeline in the hope of treatments or a vaccine had we done containment with aggressive purpose, and then suppression when it was obvious it should be done rather than 3-4 weeks later (especially in London as the hot spot). We have squandered all the advantage we had of seeing Asian countries and then other European countries attempting to deal with this weeks in advance of us, but have at last finally joined some sort of serious attempt to slow it down.
Catching up on thread - first and foremost best wishes to Mike and wife to turn the corner soon.

Weird few pages of powerless people being aggressively blamed for not knowing better and needing to be corporal punished, when the powerful should be excused for following shonky science and not checking it properly (and criticising them is vindictive apparently).

Unfortunately, rather than listening to the not negligent consensus version of science, the government has waited until NHS capacity is threatened and given the lag time will be exceeded. But, better for most of UK than us in London so good luck (and not too much godspeed) to all.
Jake":1rjeh93q said:
Catching up on thread - first and foremost best wishes to Mike and wife to turn the corner soon.

Weird few pages of powerless people being aggressively blamed for not knowing better and needing to be corporal punished, when the powerful should be excused for following shonky science and not checking it properly (and criticising them is vindictive apparently).

Unfortunately, rather than listening to the not negligent consensus version of science, the government has waited until NHS capacity is threatened and given the lag time will be exceeded. But, better for most of UK than us in London so good luck (and not too much godspeed) to all.

What utter rubbish, Jacob. All people are empowered with free will and the ability to do the right thing as opposed to the wrong thing. "I blame it all on society so nobody can ever blame me" is a nonsensical mantra that we've been hearing for years and great harm has been done in its name too. We have duties to our fellows as well as rights.

And sadly, on your part this just represents a transparent an pathetic attempt to politicise the matter.
Andy Kev.":2vspl0ox said:
Jake":2vspl0ox said:
Catching up on thread - first and foremost best wishes to Mike and wife to turn the corner soon.

Weird few pages of powerless people being aggressively blamed for not knowing better and needing to be corporal punished, when the powerful should be excused for following shonky science and not checking it properly (and criticising them is vindictive apparently).

Unfortunately, rather than listening to the not negligent consensus version of science, the government has waited until NHS capacity is threatened and given the lag time will be exceeded. But, better for most of UK than us in London so good luck (and not too much godspeed) to all.

What utter rubbish, Jacob. All people are empowered with free will and the ability to do the right thing as opposed to the wrong thing. "I blame it all on society so nobody can ever blame me" is a nonsensical mantra that we've been hearing for years and great harm has been done in its name too. We have duties to our fellows as well as rights.

And sadly, on your part this just represents a transparent an pathetic attempt to politicise the matter.

Easy, tiger. I don't think Jake=Jacob.

I am a big fan of holding people accountable. If they don't like the heat, they don't have to be in the kitchen. Important people are paid the big bucks to make the importent decisions - if they make a hash of it, they really should suffer a bit more than a press conference where they smugly admit "mistakes were made", and "a thorough review" will ensure that "moving forward", it won't happen again, promise. Thy could have chosen a career in something a little less significant if they didn't want the pressure.

Jake has suggested previously that the government, by following the wrong advice, probably for political reasons, will result in a significant number of people dying unnecessarily, to put it bluntly. What level of accountability should be used for that sort of cock--up? How much accountability is too much accountability?

Can I add my best wishes.
Also you are the only person I know who has gone down with this and the insight you are providing is IMHO quite valuable.
I have to admit (with hindsight) I was being a bit complacent about the whole thing, but your experience has made me think again.

By the way, how is your friend?
I do wish politicians and people giving advice and telling us the law would be more careful. A few days ago I watched B.J. tell the nation that state schools would close and private schools and nurseries would be asked to close. Ten minutes later on the BBC news it was announced that all schools and nurseries had been ordered to close. Last night B.J. told us we were allowed to leave our homes for one form of excercise - so we could go for several walks ( for instance) the way I heard that - and today we are told that we can leave home once only. This is undoubtedly what he meant, but these things shouldn't be ambiguous. Pedantic, I know.
I heard within not many minutes to take ibuprofen if we didn't have paracetamol, and from another source that ibuprofen can affect the immune system and not to take it.
Trainee neophyte":fv4da6mk said:
Easy, tiger. I don't think Jake=Jacob.

I am a big fan of holding people accountable. If they don't like the heat, they don't have to be in the kitchen. Important people are paid the big bucks to make the importent decisions - if they make a hash of it, they really should suffer a bit more than a press conference where they smugly admit "mistakes were made", and "a thorough review" will ensure that "moving forward", it won't happen again, promise. Thy could have chosen a career in something a little less significant if they didn't want the pressure.

Jake has suggested previously that the government, by following the wrong advice, probably for political reasons, will result in a significant number of people dying unnecessarily, to put it bluntly. What level of accountability should be used for that sort of cock--up? How much accountability is too much accountability?

You really think that Jake is not Jacob? I think I'd put a tenner on it and I'm not given to betting.

But there are two things here: the culpability of the public and that of the politicians, as you have indicated.

I make no distinction between a barely articulate, over-tattood, overweight moron stuffing his/her trolley full at Tescos and a relatively well to do moron deciding that none of the restrictions could possibly apply to him/her and so deciding to hoof it off in the Range Rover to the holiday home at the weekend. To suggest that either of these groups (and all shades between) are powerless is utterly ridiculous and I imagine that not one person - including Jake - seriously believes otherwise.

As for the government, I think there are a number of factors to consider:

a. "Following the wrong advice". They can only go on the advice given. The problem is that the politicians are usually not intellectually equipped to assess the worth of the advice. That's why they get it from experts who are supposed to be up to speed. One of the reasons for this is the abysmal lack of science graduates in politics and the civil service and indeed in the wider establishment in general. By coincidence I'm currently bashing through Vol 3 of the official biography of Margaret Thatcher (a chemistry graduate). She was the first significant politician to latch on to the importance of environmental issues and so she organised a conference with expert scientists and insisted that her cabinet ministers attend. The latter group distinguished themselves by not having a clue about what was being explained to them and looking mightily bored throughout. I'm not suggesting that having a degree in PPE makes you incapable of taking sensible decisions but it does mean that it is unlikely that you will be able to evaluate scientific advice in any meaningful way.

b. We do of course not yet know what advice was proffered. I would imagine that a range of possible courses of action were presented. FWIW I would have gone for a complete shutdown of the country from the word go, long after having banned flights from China and Italy. However, politicians have to weigh up the politics of a course of action. It may have been judged that the public would simply not accept something so drastic. And you can typically imagine the politicians saying to the experts, "Look we need something which will have maximum effect while causing minimal disruption" and so they get the best possible compromise from the experts. What has actually happened will probably ease the way for producing really robust plans for the next outbreak and that might involve something of a much higher lethality.

c. As for the establishment trying to dodge the blame, they will be wasting their time as people who will want to blame them will do it anyway. What they do need to do in the inevitable enquiry is be completely transparent, honest and open. The public is not stupid and will understand that this whole thing is unprecedented in modern times. People will tolerate honest mistakes but they won't like being lied to.

d. Large chunks of the public have shown themselves to be simply silly. bm101's account of his neighbour's garden party was almost surreal, to me at least. We live in an age where many people seem to think that a long healthy life and great happiness are automatically theirs as of right and what's more somebody else should provide it. They've just had a wake up call to the effect that that is not the case. Some of them will be too thick to understand that. Finally this thread - which lest we forget is made up of relatively thinking people - has shown that a little knowledge, while not necessarily being a dangerous thing, certainly leads to people preaching about things of which they have little or no understanding (see also remarks about cabinet ministers above).

Finally, best wishes to MikeG and his mrs. I hope you're both seeing light at the end of the viral tunnel.
Jake":2fve8vak said:
Weird few pages of powerless people being aggressively blamed for not knowing better and needing to be corporal punished, .....

They are NOT powerless. They can decide whether or not they...not the state...not Bojo...but THEY are going to behave in a civilised manner.

Too many example. Thick morons socialising on the beach. At crowded markets. An oxygen-steaing oaf in Tesco's, when told he couldn't have five boxes of eggs but only two, threw the other three onto the floor, stamped on them and snarled 'Well, if I can't have them then no-one else can'. You can't reason with people like this.

Given the current situation they need to be removed from society - either temporarily or permanently. I favour the latter.
Andy Kev.":3kj9sxi7 said:

You really think that Jake is not Jacob? I think I'd put a tenner on it and I'm not given to betting.


You're being very childish. I know both of them and can assure you that they are two different people.
RogerS":2j5wv1f0 said:
Andy Kev.":2j5wv1f0 said:

You really think that Jake is not Jacob? I think I'd put a tenner on it and I'm not given to betting.


You're being very childish. I know both of them and can assure you that they are two different people.
I can assure you that there is nothing childish about making a judgement bases on content and style.

However, I'm happy to stand corrected in the light of your personal knowledge of both of them. (I don't think there's any point in amending what I posted as it would render related posts unintelligible.)
lurker":1axifcz0 said:
.........Can I add my best wishes.
Also you are the only person I know who has gone down with this and the insight you are providing is IMHO quite valuable.
I have to admit (with hindsight) I was being a bit complacent about the whole thing, but your experience has made me think again.

By the way, how is your friend?

Of the 4 of us with the lurgy, my friend (who is 10 years older than me) appears to have recovered earliest, and my wife possibly has it worse than anyone. His wife has lost her voice, but otherwise has it fairly mildly.
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