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What seems cheap? The Silverline stuff or the Draper stuff? (homer)
Site is probably OK its just Silverline is not teh best quality hence the low prices

Avoid silverline stuff. Got a p/t and it is very inaccurate and I have spent longer fixing it than using it. Oh I am on my second one as the first exploded when it ate its own internal parts. There other tools might be ok but if the p/t is anything to go by avoid!
The company I'm working for at the moment supply all the tools required to do the job so theres no need for anyone to bring their own tools in. Which really is the way things should be if you're working FOR a company. However, if I was using their tools every second of the day I think I'd have to bring my own in. As one of their hand planes is actually one of those Silverline models and it isn't the best.

If you want a hand tool that is going to last go for a better recognised brand, and you will probably never have to replace it! I have got a 1950's RECORD No.6 Foreplane in my toolbox that has been passed on to me. Yes, it was rusty when I first recieved it, but after giving it some TLC it works brilliantly again. My other planes include the Stanley brand and are also great to use.
I bought some Silverline clamps, totally rubbish, had to seperate the clamp head from the thread to get some of them to work.

If anyone offers you anything made by this company turn it down. ( unless they will give you enough cash into the bargin to buy good kit )

To answer the OP's question as to whether he could trust the website.

I have no personal experience of this company but if you type a company name into Google followed by the word review, you will soon find out if they are cowboys. I did this for and found no reviews good or bad which I would take as a good sign. If people have a bad experience with a company it soon spreads around the web.

Therefore if I wanted to buy something from this company I would do so.

As for the quality of the tools available, of course if you pay a very low price for something you are not going to get the best quality. My local hardware store is full of Silverline stuff, some bad, some not so bad, but all affordable.

