Bugs in the garage/makerspace


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Established Member
18 Aug 2019
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Ash Vale, Aldershot
So this morning I went out to get something and noticed that there are loads of tiny black flies all over the garage, I'm going to get a bug zapper light to mount in there but also thinking of bug bombs/fogging, would this be worthwhile? I don't want these little pests getting into the wooden parts of the house but worry about damaging my bikes and other stuff that's in there.
True, bit left over night, it's surprising how effective they are.
We found that a few days of use the critters died out quickly.
I have never been too bothered by insect bites, until this summer. Are there more, or am I more sensitised, who knows. Noticed a few in the workshop so now I use flyspray when I leave and close the door behind me. Seems to be working. The ordinary retail sprays are OK, active ingredient is a variation on pyrimethrins which are generally not photo stable, they degrade in light. So a long spray into the air all round then lockup for the night should be an efficient way to use it. A low cost low risk starting point, if it doesn't work then try something else. Brand? Just look on the label for active ingredient, it should say what %. All the rest is smell and marketing so for a workshop use the cheap stuff 🙂
Have plenty of those, even leave a few webs around the house but a lot of the flies in the garage I think are coming out of the logs and blanks for turning, especially the oak.