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    • Tris
      Tris reacted to Sideways's post in the thread Speed Limit with Like Like.
      Stop blaming the tool and blame the tool who was driving. He committed manslaughter of 2 innocent bystanders. Give him 25 years and he...
    • Tris
      Tris replied to the thread Speed Limit.
      That would make a lot of sense, especially if penalties were harsher if you are found to have done this and were involved in an at fault...
    • Tris
      Tris reacted to James carter's post in the thread portable chisel storage with Like Like.
      yeah I know haha I just want to play with it tbh
    • Tris
      Tris replied to the thread portable chisel storage.
      Hang on, just let me get this right. You want to use a woodrat, to make dovetails, for a box for a lovely set of chisels?? :dunno...
    • Tris
      Tris replied to the thread First broken pledge.
      If they'd stump up the money to develop a vaccine for cattle it could be resolved in 6 months or so. The vets were hoping for something...
    • Tris
      Tris replied to the thread Joke Thread 4.
      Stripper tent at the bulldog bash?
    • Tris
      Tris reacted to Yorkieguy's post in the thread Joke Thread 4 with Like Like.
      Trigger Warning! Before anyone gets the wrong idea, this is a joke thread, and these are jokes - they're fiction, and don't in any way...
    • Tris
      Tris replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      That'll only lead to more creative avoidance schemes, and HMRC is a shadow of it's former self so chasing those schemes is a non...
    • Tris
      Tris reacted to TRITON's post in the thread Joke Thread 4 with Like Like.
    • Tris
      Tris reacted to stuart little's post in the thread Joke Thread 4 with Like Like.
      You mean, an 'onion Pie?' :ROFLMAO:
    • Tris
      Tris replied to the thread Joke Thread 4.
      An opinion without 3.14 is just an onion
    • Tris
      Tris reacted to selectortone's post in the thread No Fault Evictions with Like Like.
      The proportion of rental accomodation vs owner occupied in Germany is significantly higher than in the UK and has been for many years...
    • Tris
      Tris replied to the thread A comedy great dies..
      Sad news, brilliant comedian. 94 is some age, guess laughter is the best medicine after all.
    • Tris
      Tris reacted to PerryGunn's post in the thread Hard to pull nail... with Like Like.
    • Tris
      Tris replied to the thread Change of career - what too..
      It might be easier to start a window cleaning round, people notice if you don't cut their lawn every week but a week either way on a...
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