Bringing goods from the EU

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Thank you.
My pleasure. Hope that helped.
Will you be off yourself to find new clients somewhere around the Pacific Rim?
Send us a post card if you do!
PS and don't forget the middle of the Pacific - Vanuatu is very nice this time of the year
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Wanting to stop freedom of movement isn't xenophobic.
No, but let's be honest for a minute : a good part of the brexit idea relies on xenophobia. The usual BS : foreigners stealing British jobs and living on benefits.
I strongly believe many people voted in favour of the brexit with some xenophobic mindset.
So you really think they would move their company to EU and offer (expensive) expat contracts to British people for the sake of it, instead of hiring cheaper local workforce ?
Brits working abroad would probably have to take a hit in their wages to cover the extra expense and sheer difficulty of employing them.
Brits working abroad would probably have to take a hit in their wages to cover the extra expense and sheer difficulty of employing them.
Oh I think people wouldn't bother at all moving to EU. And UK companies relocating in EU would simply hire local workforce. Cheaper and easier.
Ps : there was an interesting article (in the guardian ?) about BJ trying helplessly to please Biden for a potential future deal with the US, without much success. Looks like the adoration BJ had for Trump is firing back..

A key reason Brexit was a USA trade deal.

Many so called Brexit think tanks (in reality Brexit propaganda sites) have been funded by US libertarian groups

Intstitue of Economic Affairs is an example, it gets funding from the Koch foundation who campaign for deregulation. The IEA is a site that pushes for privatisation of NHS. The current health secretary received £32k from the IEA, so we shouldn't be surprised there have been plenty of NHS contracts opened up to the public sector in recent years.

And top advisor to the government, Matthew Elliott has very close connection to the Koch brothers.

So a USA trade deal is a key prize for all those MPs involved in private's a cash cow.
My pleasure. Hope that helped.
Will you be off yourself to find new clients somewhere around the Pacific Rim?
Send us a post card if you do!
PS and don't forget the middle of the Pacific - Vanuatu is very nice this time of the year

Quite possibly, I like that area, could do a trip on business expenses. Assessing the market and all that. Japan, Aus, NZ, etc. Much more fun than the trip to Portugal to measure up.
Once we are released, could be great tax avoidance.
You're a genius.
Good if people like Robin are going to start resorting to bare faced lies.
Can't you do it somewhere else? Why not just PM each other, then you could really abuse each other.
Me and Jacob write letters to each other, I put dog poo in the envelope and he returns it with cat poo and allsorts of unspeakable stuff.
It is true the EU have behaved badly, but Brexit will still cause long term damage....mostly to small businesses.

Which will go on for years.

I hope the general public will start to see the disbenefits of being a 3rd country and will begin to change the narrative so we build a closer relationship.
That's not a bad thing and yes I see you have said "upside" but then a frowny face, so curious as to what you feel about it.
I’m not very good with emojis ... I thought that one meant not sure what to think.

I voted Remain but am of the view that the decision having been made we need to get on with it. I don’t buy the view that the UK will become a backwater - we’re pretty resilient as a nation and need to look for the opportunities - this could be one and I hope it is.

The debacle of How we negotiated our exit (I would have brought in the best negotiators from industry on day one rather than leaving it to politicians and civil servants), backbiting and political shenanigans over the past few years haven’t done anything to build our reputation on the world stage. I think the way we respond to the EU over the vaccine row is an opportunity to show true leadership and hopefully start to move forward again.

I will now await someone telling me I am wrong as that is the custom with this thread. 😂. Hopefully this emoji means that’s a joke rather than I am crying!
We already trade with the Pacific rim. It's not a bad thing at all. But it isn't a simple alternative to trading with the EU, now that that has become so problematic.
Although the prospect for growth in Pacific Rim nations far outstrips the EU.
Although the prospect for growth in Pacific Rim nations far outstrips the EU.
thats true, but prospect for growth is always larger when you start from a small position

Around 8% of British exports go to the 11 countries of the CPTPP; over 40% to the 27 countries of the EU. The traditional arguments about trade – that geography and gravity matter more than politics – suggest that these proportions are unlikely to change radically in the short to medium term.
thats true, but prospect for growth is always larger when you start from a small position

Around 8% of British exports go to the 11 countries of the CPTPP; over 40% to the 27 countries of the EU. The traditional arguments about trade – that geography and gravity matter more than politics – suggest that these proportions are unlikely to change radically in the short to medium term.
I get the points on geography and gravity but throughout history trade has taken place over many thousands of miles so it possibly takes a different outlook (and some optimism) to see where the opportunities are.

The prospect for real growth may also come from the demographics in the comparison. I haven’t checked but would guess that Europe’s ageing population and mature markets show less potential for growth than others.
Liz Truss says its a great maybe it isnt 🤣

I noticed today there was mention that if we get in the TPP before China we could (but no guarantee) veto their membership. I wonder how geopolitical this decision is.
Ps : there was an interesting article (in the guardian ?) about BJ trying helplessly to please Biden for a potential future deal with the US, without much success. Looks like the adoration BJ had for Trump is firing back...
That's one of the things that's really amused me about Biden getting the presidency; Boris did his usual poor decision making when he had his "Kenyan heritage" stab at Obama (timed just as Obama was leaving office, so he obviously thought a bit of dog whistle racism would play to his base, and be low risk). Unfortunately for him, the Obamas and Bidens are close personal friends; so let's just say that it didn't go down well.

Indeed, after Biden's success, and Boris' inevitable congratulations, a member of Biden's team referred to BJ as "that shape-shifting creep". Perfectly summing up the two-faced, amoral, sociopathic sack of s**t.

One of my favourite theories that is!
The first rule of the Dunning-Kruger club... is that you don't know you're a member of the Dunning-Kruger club ;)
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