Bad Purchasing Experience -Bosch GTS10 Table Saw

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Miles Tool and Machinery are selling the same saw, Bosch GTS10 for £449.99. They charge £22 for delivery to the ROI and that's all including VAT. You can get a stand for £50. That's a total of £522. Personally I wouldn't want a replacement saw from your supplier, I'd want a full refund even if I had to fork out £50 for a courier to return it there. You'd still be about £230 better off in your pocket and just think what nice bit of kit that could buy you! Plus you'd have the satisfaction of being able to tell those rip-off merchants exactly where they can shove their saw. The law is on your side, you don't need to tell them you're buying the same saw somewhere else (until you've got your refund), all you need to say is you're not happy with the product, not fit for purpose, money back please or solicitors letter will be forthcoming. Go for it Prizen, it's the simplest and most effective way of resolving the problem, you'll be quids in, more new kit to play with and the supplier left with egg all over their face. One last thought is did you pay for it with a credit card? If you did then it's even easier to reverse the transaction. Good luck anyway, the law is on your side.

I have been a periodic customer of that particular supplier for 35 years. I don't recognise the term 'cowboys' as applied by a geographically distanced individual, posting earlier. Moreover, the 'Norn Iron' building community suffer no sharp practice or shoddy treatment lightly - quite the opposite is much more likely. As I have rubbed shoulders and am on first-name terms with builders, quantity surveyors and fellow DIY'ers who have used them during that time, I'm sure I would have tumbled to the business's perfidy by now???

I also find it just a bit rich that someone's reputation has been 'got at' so gratuitously, but that no-one has apparently, given the shop's staff a chance to defend themselves.

Prizen....mate....there is a perfectly good motorway from Dublin to Belfast and it is a mere eight miles of dual carriageway further on to the shop. Last time I had to go to Blanchardstown - a smidgeon less far than Clonsilla - it took me shade over two hours Belfast to Dublin/Blanchardstown. Get back up here man! Sort it out personally!! By all means, get them to refund it, then take advantage of Miles T.C. delivery and price.

The general tone and wanton character assassination contained in this thread is symptomatic of the reasons Alf, Mike Harnham Bob Ninefingers and others found this forum just a little hard to swallow, and left. Shame. I'm a little surprised our wunnerful Mods haven't weighed in before now quite frankly too.

Sam; disappointed, but not surprised.
Sammy, I'm a newbie here and certainly wouldn't want to stir up a hornet's nest as to why others may have left the forum in the past. Regretfully I've never had the opportunity to pack my rods and head over your way for some decent fishing, so can't comment on the travelling there, but here in the SE of England just to go 50 miles is a nightmare at times. A 400 mile round trip would cost me £100 in fuel too.

My comments with regard to the supplier would apply to anyone who was charging absolute top dollar prices and then offering very little, if any at all, post sales customer support. I'm all for paying a little more sometimes to keep the old face to face retail places going, but for that I would expect the very best customer service. Sadly on the evidence of Prizen's experience that seems to be lacking somewhat. The poor feller is £800 out of pocket and you're telling him to drive 200 miles there and 200 miles back, just for the pleasure of returning the saw. A courier is much cheaper, less stressful and wont take the best part of a whole working day.

I'm not disputing your customer experience with the suppliers, but if you were Prizen you wouldn't be quite so happy. Top prices should guarantee quality control, expertise and total customer satisfaction. How would you describe a retailer who fell woefully short in all those areas.

That's all I have to say on the subject and Prizen must do what he thinks is right.

Kind Regards

Thanks for the courteous reply Phil; it went some way to taking the heat out of things.

The supplier in question is just a builder's yard; admittedly one with a big shop full of heavy duty machines, but they have never purported or represented themselves as mail-order, with the after-sales service that entails. That is why I believe they are reluctant to engage with Prizen about collecting the Bosch. That said, if Prizen can get himself or his representative to them, he will find them "dacent people" as we say in the North.

I have travelled extensively in G.B., from Ullapool to Plymouth, and I am well aware of the frustrating nightmare congestions you allude to. That said, having married a lass from North Dublin, with relatives scattered round Dublin County and North Tipperary, I am equally familiar with our road sysytem over here. My point, badly put perhaps, was that the journey Prizen needed to retake was not comparable with, say, a portion of the M25, and that I knew he could do it, (and time to spare )in a long morning/early afternoon, there and back. So, I was being just a bit rude and hinting he should 'Man up' and go North 118 miles, which I knew could be done in a shade over two hours.

Now, if there is a problem with the gear, and it's clearly 'not fit for purpose', then he is within his rights to produce the paperwork and demand a refund and I will back him in doing s0 - just as I urge him to press for compensation for fuel. I know he must be 'sore' at unwrapping a 'lemon' - a very expensive one at that - but I feel the only straightforward resolution is to act for himself. With that in mind, as I live on the route, if Prizen wants to stop off with me, going or coming, I'll gladly see him fed and watered to break the journey.

I don't get this, if I buy a vacuum cleaner from Currys and it doesn't work I take it back, I do not expect them to come and collect it. Distance selling regulations do not apply (as, in fairness, the OP states) because he bought it from the store. OK, it's maybe not the greatest example of customer service but all those people calling the company cowboys and saying they have a legal requirement to do more seem to be going over the top to me.
AES":3e351nkm said:
You should also copy that E-mail to Bosch Customer Support in UK, AND to Bosch in Germany (I can supply you with a German E-mail address if you have any difficulty finding it).

i have the email address of the Bosch account manager for their professional tools. Just pm me if you need it.

How far out is this fence and is it not adjustable? Setting things up after purchase is fairly normal and for a bigger machine might need a specialist, but this is a DIY machine and "commissioning" presumably DIY too.
Or can't you just post the fence back for a replacement?
Eloquently said Sam and I do agree that it's Prizen's responsibility to get the saw back for a refund. Very kind of you too to offer a bit of stabling along the way. I envy you your green and pleasant land and as for the M25........just don't go there!

All the best.
I've only just seen this thread and I'm minded to remove it.

I've always had reservations about folk going public with a problem before exhausting all other avenues and much as I appreciate that people can become frustrated with what they perceive as poor treatment in this particular instance I can only agree with previous comments that a visit to the retailer concerned would go a long way to resolving matters. Furthermore the fact that there appears to be some degree of price difference between suppliers is a sure sign of poor research or an impulse purchase.

Prizen, much as I empathise with your situation, do as suggested and get yourself and your saw up the road on Wednesday (or whenever) and talk to the supplier, talk to Bosch UK, if you paid by c/card talk to your issuer.

It will achieve little of value to all parties concerned coming on here and launching a one-sided onslaught on the retailer concerned. There are better and more positive ways of resolving your problem.
I've edited the thread rather than simply making it disappear.
Noel":138d7d62 said:
I've edited the thread rather than simply making it disappear.

Good idea. I'm very happy to provide contact at Bosch.

Have you tried contacting Bosch customer services. I know your problem is with the retailer but they may exert a bit of pressure. Geoff
Good evening all.

A lot has changed on this thread since I was last using my "confuser" about 48 hours ago! (SWMBO is not overkeen on me going on line - or into the workshop - when we have house guests. In fact she positively forbids it).

So first I must apologise to anyone who felt that my own particular remarks were in some way over the top. That way not my intention.

Second, in the relatively short time I've been a member here I do not know of anyone leaving this Forum for any reason. But regardless of that I will now state that this was absolutley NOT my aim and if anyone felt that this was the case then I offer my unreserved apologies.

My sole aim in posting on this thread was to try and help a member (as many here have helped me) who, according to the information posted, received what was in my opinion, a raw deal after spending a very significant sum of money. I offered that help "for what it was worth", based on my own (non-qualified) understanding of the law, and when someone else pointed out that they thought I was wrong I readily admitted that this could well be the case.

I shall take no further part in this thread in the hope that my posts here, including any apparent transgressions, were all made in the light in which I intended them.

Why was the retailer's name removed? I honestly do not understand why they should be protected like this. If it is seen as "unfair" to be only hearing one side of the story, then why not give the retailer a link to this forum topic and give them the opportunity to respond?

Secondly, I have only stated my experience with the retailer in question, (I think that has been clear from my posts).
Surely we all of us here are intelligent enough to make up our own minds on any particular discussion, hence there should be no need for such censorship.

As most of us understand, the retailer doesn't appear to have broken any laws, but in my opinion, they have really provided quite poor customer service!!! Again, why are they being protected here?

By the way, my workshop is on Laois/Kilkenny border (I am in Dublin for work during the week), so the return trip would be well over 100 GBP in diesel, let alone other expenses..
Giff":3ppeims0 said:
Have you tried contacting Bosch customer services. I know your problem is with the retailer but they may exert a bit of pressure. Geoff

Hi Geoff,

I did call Bosch UK and the person who deals with my type of query was on lunch. I left them my number so they could call me back however I haven't heard back. I must call them again tomorrow to remind them.

In any case, I do not think this is adjustable. There is nothing in the manual for it, and as per previous link to another forum where this issue was discussed, others have had similar problems..
Prizen":2p8i0m1u said:

In any case, I do not think this is adjustable. ......
Everything is adjustable! There are ways of doing these things. 8)
Jacob":2egm61qa said:
Prizen":2egm61qa said:

In any case, I do not think this is adjustable. ......
Everything is adjustable! There are ways of doing these things. 8)

True, shimming it is underneath on one side is possible, but it won't move across the table as easy as it should. I expect that when something is purchased brand new that it should need no adjusting (apart from adjusting that is provisioned for in the design of the machinery)...