I'd like to start by thanking all of the below for your helpful advice and input.
Woodchip, Petermillard, ajmacleod, bourbon, HOJ, Penny, mike.s, mar_mite, JakeS, Giff, Eric the Viking, fluffflinger and tobyriches.
Extra special thanks to JasonB for your help and response to my PMs.
So, here is the almost finished project. I have a small delay on one of the wardrobes because the doors only had 2 hinge holes cut and another 2 are being added.
This is how it started:
My first internal storage section:
First bits in place:
Test fitting of right hand wardrobe internals:
Hanging rails in place:
And again:
Doors on:
Most of face frame added:
First top coat on and face frame finished:
Reached the limit so I'll add the last 2 on a new post.
Woodchip, Petermillard, ajmacleod, bourbon, HOJ, Penny, mike.s, mar_mite, JakeS, Giff, Eric the Viking, fluffflinger and tobyriches.
Extra special thanks to JasonB for your help and response to my PMs.
So, here is the almost finished project. I have a small delay on one of the wardrobes because the doors only had 2 hinge holes cut and another 2 are being added.
This is how it started:
My first internal storage section:
First bits in place:
Test fitting of right hand wardrobe internals:
Hanging rails in place:
And again:
Doors on:
Most of face frame added:
First top coat on and face frame finished:
Reached the limit so I'll add the last 2 on a new post.