would you go veggie ?


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Never. Too many meats to like to be honest. I rate veal (proper veal) right up there with fillet steak. I'm big on offal. If it has to be a cut then I'd say good well hung :oops: sirloin steak (with chips, peas and mustard).
No, I would not turn completely veggie although I often eat veggie meals. I love dhal!

My favourite cut of meat is pork belly. Full of fat, but a lovely occasional treat. That said, I would choose eggs or oily fish over meat every time.
Not a chance, I love meat too much - I'm a steak man, a nice thick ribeye is a real luxury, although to be honest I'll eat and enjoy most cuts of most meats.
yes I forgot to say. I also love a good veggie meal. Curry's shine in this area. Pasta dishes too.
Why on Earth would I go vegetarian? We're carnivores, accept it - that's why our teeth are like they are, with incisors and not "grazing teeth."

Cats and dogs are carnivores too, BTW - and the inclusion of vegetables and rice in the retail brands of their food is utter nonsense too, undoubtedly based on cost and fashionable trends.

Not that I have a fixed view! :)

Argee":1milznz1 said:
Why on Earth would I go vegetarian? We're carnivores, accept it - that's why our teeth are like they are, with incisors and not "grazing teeth."
Well some of us have to eat softer foods due to gnawing on meat in our youth :lol:

Cheers :D

ps Not me honestly. I do like a good steak and cannot see going totally veggie
Pedant alert - you didn't evolve to eat meat, you evolved eating meat. Evolution is not directional and has no ultimate objective in mind. End of pedantry.

Go veggie? Nope, not me - like meat far too much. Tough choice, but if I had to choose a meat as my favourite it would be pork.

Argee":3iw9t3sg said:
I've still got incisors so I must have evolved to eat meat, not exclusively vegetation - the point I was ineptly trying to make.

And you're still equipped to hunt that meat through the forest and eat and digest it raw, but I'm willing to bet you don't do that. For me the argument that our bodies are equipped for something doesn't drive my decisions. Humans aren't really equipped (aside from the spare brain capacity) to do any number of amazing things, but we don't let the fact that we're not physically equipped for it hamper us. So should we stick to doing things that our bodies are already capable of?
As a family (of six) I was brought up on a regular meat diet but for one reason or another vegetarianism/divorce/extended family etc my diet diversified depending on who was being catered for and which location. I got to sample a really wide range of foods as part of my domestic eating habits, including meat straight from Smithfield selected by a veteran butcher (ex's dad).

These days I can take or leave meat and tend to err on the side of leave. It has to be something really good such as a decent cut of steak well barbecued. Or a well cooked steak casserole.
StevieB":3sav4o7j said:
Pedant alert - you didn't evolve to eat meat, you evolved eating meat. Evolution is not directional and has no ultimate objective in mind.

Like it Steve....succinctly put!

To add a further layer of pedantry...."you evolved eating meat amongst other things" would be a fairer description.

Think "hunter-gatherer"

I already am. Not for any moral purpose just because the thought of eating flesh makes me wanna heave.
Actually I'm a cooks worst nightmare, a vegetarian who's not that keen on most vegetables. :? I do eat a lot of beans and pasta though..... parrrrpppp, oops, sorry 'bout that, would someone be kind enough to open a few forum windows.
as my favourite it would be pork.

Like wise. Not bad for a good Yiddersher fellah eh? :oops:
I see the fellah who reckons that going veggie will save the world is another expert, in finance!
They can't run a bank either. :roll:

Gill":th8t1xtb said:
I love dhal!

Oh you can't beat that on a cold evening! I love Marsh (that's roughly how it's pronounced) daal. Bloomin SWMBO (well not this week - not home) is away so no can do.

Yes that's so neandathal (my cave build is in progress). :wink:
Ah right up my street! I am a sort of veggie and have been for 55 years now. I do not like the taste of real meat, fish and poultry it does make me physically sick. Now the strange bit I love a Big Mac, Frankfurter sausage and Luncheon meat?? To my tastebuds these don't taste like real meat to me! (Probably because they aren't) My father was a seaman for most of his life and I have tried all types of fish and hate it all. My first wife worked in a food lab and often brought home such things as shark, octopus and the like and I didn't like these either. I do get some strange looks when I tell them I am a veggie who eats Big Macs though. :lol:
mailee":33tjiwi2 said:
Ah right up my street! I am a sort of veggie and have been for 55 years now. I do not like the taste of real meat, fish and poultry it does make me physically sick. Now the strange bit I love a Big Mac, Frankfurter sausage and Luncheon meat?? To my tastebuds these don't taste like real meat to me! (Probably because they aren't) My father was a seaman for most of his life and I have tried all types of fish and hate it all. My first wife worked in a food lab and often brought home such things as shark, octopus and the like and I didn't like these either. I do get some strange looks when I tell them I am a veggie who eats Big Macs though. :lol:

Not as strange as a chap who won't touch any kind of meat (full stop) - drives his homies nuts, but wolfs down shami kebabs. Bloody hilarious!
Mmmmmmm... ribeye, sirloin, veal, pork, lamb, venison, fish - all delicious but my very favourite thing is fried pig's liver and onions.

I liked watching Keith Floyd and loved this quote - "Anyone who asks for a well-done steak deserves what they get".
