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Established Member
16 Nov 2002
Reaction score
South of France / Chipping Norton
Well as one may tell this is a story of how NOT TOO WORK. I was busy on a conservatory roof trying to replace some Cumquats cheap plastic with some greenhouse quality stuff.

When the heavens decided to open up :( :?

I rushed over to the ladder, .................slipped........... and tumbled backwards.

Thank you HM Govt. Army for putting me through jumpschool. For without that training, I doubt very seriousley if I would be here writing this now.

So, please take a lesson from my stupidity, and -
1. don't rush things
2. especially when working on a roof
3. more so, when raining.


and again :oops:


just to edit - total sum of injuries fractured skull in 2 places, both bones by the wrist in right arm broken , needing 1 or 2, not sure as of now plates to be screwed in. 3 hour op to do without aenethatism (sp) done by blocking the nerves with a " blunt needle " :shock:
Ooo! Ouch - makes my little meeting with a handsaw look tame!

Hope you get well and stuff doesn't hurt too much.


Socks\pants weren't designed for 1 handed folk! damhik!
That's terrible, as you say could be worse but still not good.
Hope you make a quick recovery.
Was it your conservatory or a clients?
Albert Einstein explained that Newtonian gravity can make exceptions but unfortunately your case was definitely not one of those......once more your photo will be a severe lesson to teach to all of us to work "calm and collected as a journeyman joiner engaged for the year." (Herman Melville, Moby Dick, Chap.27).

Have a quick and safe recovery, all the very best from Italy.


Get well soon and stock up on four leafed clovers and rabbits feet because it sounds like you've probably used up all your luck for a good while to come.
Hi Houtslager,

Can't say we've chatted before but I feel really sorry for you. I hope you're on the mend considering it's now a few days after your post.

I really do sympathise, as a teenager I remember being up on the roof with my dad. I was sitting on the apex and he was holding himself in place with one hand and fiddling with the TV antenna with his other hand when he lost his grip and I watched him slide all the way down.

More recently Miss. Robinson took a tumble on her bicycle at fairly high speed. She knocked her brains out of whack for a worrying few minutes leaving me answering the same question that she kept asking over and over again. Meanwhile some helpful souls had called an ambulance. When it arrived and as they were bundling her into the back, Miss. Robinson demanded I call her dentist immediately to make an appointment to sort out her cracked teeth. It's cost us more money to get her cracked teeth 'temporarily capped' than the total cost of all her cycling kit and I didn't even get to have a ride in the ambulance with her! Here she is looking a bit like you do in your photo. She had many more bruises and scuffs but quite a few were in places not entirely appropriate for a forum of this nature.


So, if I would like to send Miss. Robinson to jump school, do I have to enlist her in the army?

firstly, many thanks for the best wishes. Re checked landing location, and realize now how VERY LUCKY I was not to get a broken neck and all that entails re possible para or qaudraplegic (sp) for the rest of my life or broken neck and DEAD.
Arm after 3hours surgery and 1 week still hurts like twittery, just peeked at the place, gawd ! 5" of rough stitching :shock: :shock: :oops:

So, if I would like to send Miss. Robinson to jump school, do I have to enlist her in the army?

nope, there are enough civi jump training schools out there now :wink:

Mcluma - nope, but in 24 hrs I will be back in Amsterdam to price up some work for when I heal :wink: I'll pm you when there, as things could go haywired in between :wink:

again thanks all, just don' nt copy me ok. :lol:

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