I used the example of Guy Ravine above to illustrate my respect for him. I have spent many years being critical of the organisation he represents, I expected a bad review but he produced a balanced objective view and I thank him for that.
I hope to do the same for Richard in July. Let’s hope he is not of a nervous disposition
In this personality driven world we live in it is easy to big yourself up using Forums and Social Media. Most of us believe the hype and posturing and because someone has a high degree of self belief it is easy to accept what they may be saying is true.
Anyone who dares to be critical is pounced on and vilified – been there and got the T-Shirt.
To show an understanding of H&S we can all pick on someone who has posted something on YouTube and ridicule them because it is simple, they are someone we don’t know, somewhere in the world 1000’s of miles away. We can call them a moron or idiot for doing this apparently dangerous activity – they have no redress, there are no repercussions for the critic. Shock, humor or any other response is valid but no outcome is possible from the illustration other than one of self-satisfaction that the critic and the viewer would never do anything as stupid as this.
Mostly, examples selected, come from highly industrialised and developed nations where all citizens, regardless of their access to education or opportunities for training – should, apparently, know better. Third world examples would not work because sympathy would be expressed for these poor unfortunate souls who are probably uneducated – there is a reason why they do not know better.
My understanding of safe working with a bandsaw is that the blade guard should be adjusted to approx 3mm to 6mm clearance above the depth of the wood being cut, hands and fingers on straight through cuts should not be closer than 75mm to the blade. Pulling your hand away at the last minute does not count!
Is there good bandsaw technique being shown in the video below? Included is bad adjustment, no push stick, small piece of wood, large fingers, exposed blade, accident waiting to happen. Stop the video at 1.58 mins.
Should the producer of the video be tackled publically? No of course not it is unbritish to be critical of such a nice guy who is apparently well educated and who only did this because of clarity in filming, he does actually know better, doesn’t normally do this but in this instance chose not to show safe practice.
Neil, given the comments you have made here and on the Woodworkers Institute Forum would you be happy for your sons you mention to be taught the technique shown in the video. Would you sue the teacher if they chopped their fingers off or would you accept it was just one of those things that happen now and again and the student should have known better?
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