Scheppach HMS260 planer thicknesser - table seized!??

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Established Member
19 Mar 2003
Reaction score
West Dartmoor, Devon, UK
Hello all
I've not been here for a while which would also explain why the table on my planer thicknesser has seized (not had much time for woodworking recently). I don't think it's the chain mech - it appears to be the bolts supporting the table itself. I've squirted WD40 all over them and left the while but they are not budging!
I'm hoping someone must have had this problem and could offer some advice?
Many thanks
I'll reply to myself in case anyone else has a similiar issue ...

As before I received great support from NMA (this time Tony - thank you). There are no shortcuts, just lots of WD40, lots of scrubbing with a small wirebrush and it helps if you take the handle off and use a spanner on the revealed split pin. I also removed the metal guide posts that sit alongside 2 of the 4 table rise and fall bolts. This allows better access.

Then gave it a good clean-up and sprayed plenty of dry lubricant. Seems to be working fine now.



Hi Gidon

Hope you are well? Long time no see/write!

I've got an older HMT260 P/T and it still seems to wind up and down, although with a noise which sounds like my children when you ask them to do something which doesn't involve what they want!! :lol:

Looks like you've cracked it now so that's good. Are you getting back into the fettling scene then?

Hi Steve
Yes not been doing as much woodwork as I'd like - my new(ish) business seems to have taken over my life! But when I did get some time weekend before last I was met with the P/T seized up from lack of use! Still all sorted and need to get on with next project.
I hope all is well with you.
Hope to be more active here again soon ...