Re-saw what is this!

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Established Member
21 Jul 2013
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I'm on the lookout to replace my scheppach basato 3h with a bandsaw that has a bigger throat 12+ inch and keep coming across the term re-saw, what is that. I maybe wrong but is it when you cut some groves using the bench saw then the bandsaw just follows the pre-cut lines !! inshort it make it a little easier for the bandsaw !
A resaw is usually a bigger, heavier more powerful bandsaw, usually with a fairly wide blade with an aggressive tooth pattern. These machines are specifically designed for breaking down large baulks of timber into more manageable sizes.
Put 'bandsaw/resaw' into a google search, I'm sure you will find some images and probably a better explanation than mine.
Regards, Neil
Thanks for that just put resaw into goggle - and yes my bandsaw is just a tiny one, never know blade that size existed - far too big for me and probably my power supply; so on the market for 2 - 2.5hp bandsaw with large throat better get onto ebay and start looking.
a resaw is as discussed above.
to resaw is to take a slice off a larger piece of timber.

very few woodworkers have a resaw. most bandsaw users will do some resawing from time to time. so you will see references to the saw being used for that purposes, its suitability for the same etc.

With a bandsaw there are only a few operations it will do- cutting veneers, resawing and cutting curves, so the discussion and capabilities will be around those subjects.
I believe bandsaws which use blades up to 1" or so are classed as narrow blade bandsaws.

Re-saws are used for secondary conversion and use bandsaw blades typically 2 1/2" to 5" wide. Re-saws usually have power feed.
No it hasn't. A big old cirkular rip saw equipped with an aftermarket feedwork makes a decent low budget resaw. Some cirkular rip saws had power feed from the beginning and could be used as resaws. Logosol still make cirkular rip saws/resaws with power feed.

My bad back still prewents me from recasting the bearings for mine........ It would be very handy to have a decent resaw.