Poisoned dogs.


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Phil Pascoe

Established Member
29 Jan 2012
Reaction score
Shaft City, Mid Cornish Desert
Has anyone any experience of their dog being poisoned by chocolate or grapes? Mine I do believe should really be called Rasputin instead of George, as in the last fortnight he has stolen and eaten 250g of pure 100% chocolate and 750g of grapes. He is perfectly well. We haven't tried onions yet. :D
What Brian said is correct to the best of my knowledge Phil and I would have your dog checked out or at least phone the vet for advice.

We have a 21 month old black lab and have to watch her like a hawk as she's just a walking stomach. Her whole life revolves around food and play and she will eat absolutely anything.
Ate the flowers and leaves off a whole pot of tulips last year which are very poisonous, though the bulbs are worst. Luckily she sicked the whole lot up within 20 mins - stupid mutt!

She eats insects, chicken sh*t, you name it and we have one of those electronic fly zapper bats which she gets very excited and snaps them up as they fall. Our last lab used to eat onions and cherry tomatoes but would keep them in her mouth for ages and eventually spit them out, never did her any harm as she was 13 when she died.

Lovely little bitch with some disgusting habits. ( The dog, not the missus btw :lol: )

This one's an American bulldog, supposedly crossed but I think pure (he's rehomed after two years in kennels and no one knows how long as a stray before that). He's got a quite aggressive cancer now so I don't suppose he'll live forever anyway. I had a boxer before who lived to be nearly twelve - you think a lab is a walking stomach? :lol:
I know somebody whose dog was fed Sunday lunch scraps which had onions in it and the dog later died! -so onions can be pretty bad to a dog

Certainly grapes, raisons etc a quite poisonous to dogs -although Ive seen dogs eat a few grapes with no issues -generally dogs arent that interested in fruit -although if yours ate 750g, then he must've quite liked them!

Macadamia nuts are really quite poisonous.
Generally dogs aren't interested in fruit? This one and the last one wouldn't eat lemons - but that was the only fruit I found they wouldn't eat. The old boxer would come in from outdoors if she smelled someone peeling an orange, and both would sit and drool for melons and bananas. My old doberman and my mother's rottweilers would strip a hedge of blackberries (one picked her own apples), and my jack russell would have every tomato growing below about two feet, and would come in looking as if he had killed something when his face was red from stealing strawberries. My last two have loved pineapple and my mother's dachsie would drool for tinned tomatoes. :D
It's the second pint of anti-freeze down the pub later that usually does the job. :-D
When I was at school I worked at my sisters shop in the evenings in a small village, an old chap had a very old black lab, every late afternoon he came in and bought a bar of Cadburys Milk Tray (now that's going back a while) the dog loved it, he did that for well over the 5 years that I worked there.
We have a Jack Russell, he will eat anything and he loves pears or any other fruit he can find.

I believe dark chocolate is the dangerous one. Our dog got hold of some chocolate a few years back, and we found an on-line resource that gave information as to dark or milk and size of dog, so that one could calculate whether any harm was likely.
Dogs eating things............. best one was pulling a pair of the wifes tights out of a dogs ar!*ehole, Paul Daniel's eat your heart out....... now that's magic!
Our dog Jake is a nightmare for finding anything he shouldn't have. He demolished 9 Easter eggs last year that my son had in his bedroom, Christmas he had a box of Ferro Rocher, half a tub of Roses and chocolate Santa, also in my lads room, both times we were out and he managed to pull open the gates we have to stop him going upstairs. He also helps himself to the freezer and cupboards on his escapades, a couple of years ago he came in from outside and I wondered what was protruding from his a*se, turned out to be an ice cream wrapper and stick that he had pinched from the freezer. Considering he only has one eye he doesn't miss a trick :)
Some sugar free gum which contains xylitol can be quite dangerous to dogs. Depending upon the brand of course, but in some cases only 2 pieces can cause serious problems and 10 pieces death.
Yep our dog loves most fruit and will follow you everywhere for an apple core. We were out in the fields last year when we heard her coughing and choking, she'd swallowed a skinking rabbit carcase and just the feet were sticking out of her mouth, had to pull the whole thing back out and she certainly didn't like the "anteceptic mouthwash" we used later to get rid of the skink. :lol:

She's never managed to steal anything in the house yet as we're extremely careful.
But what kills them quickly? I would love to feed my neighbours two dogs something to stop them barking and howling at all hours! :twisted: :lol: :lol: