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    • velar
      Not to worry! Yes I'll still take them - ASAP would be great but it's OK if that's not possible. Please DM me and let me know how to pay...
    • velar
      Sat at home yesterday, getting over a bit of surgery. I had time to indulge myself.
    • velar
      Hello again If this hasn't gone I'll happily take it plus your shellac sticks pic'n'mix. Would it be possible to post them for arrival...
    • velar
      velar replied to the thread Sold Wood Vice.
      Aw well let me know (although I hope for your sake you do manage to move the bench, which is a thing of beauty). Seems like you're...
    • velar
      velar replied to the thread Sold Wood Vice.
      Not to worry, I thought he might 😂 Thanks for messaging to let me know - much appreciated
    • velar
      velar replied to the thread Sold Wood Vice.
      Good morning. I'd be keen to buy this if DavidRa doesn't. Thank you! Mark
    • velar
      velar replied to the thread Monkey Puzzle tree.
      That's gorgeous... I love the symmetry!
    • velar
      velar reacted to Stigmorgan's post in the thread Monkey Puzzle tree with Like Like.
      It's a beautiful wood to turn, the heart will need hardening with CA or drilling out and replacing with a small plug. Definitely look...
    • velar
      velar replied to the thread Startrite drill Ipswich..
      I was trying to buy that but I'm second in the queue... hoping somebody has a change of heart. Just the four hour round trip for me :-D
    • velar
      Sorry to be slow getting back to you, been offline much of the week - if it still is I'll take it, please let me know how you'd like to...
    • velar
      Good morning! I’m interested if this is still available! Let me know… Thank you Mark
    • velar
      velar replied to the thread Wild Service boards.
      Good morning Sangy. So sorry for leaving you hanging, last week was extremely hectic and I wasn't online much. My apologies. What have...
    • velar
      velar replied to the thread Small amount of wild service.
      That's very helpful indeed, thank you! I was thinking a bit larger than that (small box) but if all else fails I might get a tiny...
    • velar
      velar replied to the thread Wild Service boards.
      Hi there. Do you still have any of this left (and is it dried)? I just posted a query on the General forum, I'm looking for some for a...
    • velar
      Greetings all. Does anybody know where I can buy a small amount of wild service timber to try on a small project? I've searched the...
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