Pet hates.

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Established Member
11 Nov 2007
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We all have 'em, what's yours?
Mine is my wife's insistence on wiping a paint brush on the rim of the can so that the lid won't seal then complaining that the paint's gone hard!

That's why I do the painting and leave the prepwork to the boss.

1 - HGV drivers who insist on driving in the middle lane of the motorway, doing .000001 MPH more than the HGV they are trying to overtake, thereby causing all normal traffic to take the outside lane. I wonder how many accidents are caused by this every year.

2 - cyclists who insist on riding side by side on narrow, winding country lanes.

Not that I get road rage or anything..... :oops:


I cannot get the wife to simply dip the brush less deeply into the damn paint!
Must be a woman thing Rich.

Digit. Seems your pet hate is also one of mine. Also, not cleaning out the brush when finished.
Got me into trouble not so long ago....

ME: What the f@%k? Why didn't you wash the brush? Do you know how much that cost (a VERY nice Purdy).
SWMBO: No. How much was it?

You can probably guess the rest...
My son tends to treat paint brushes as throw away items!

I have to follow her after every paint job to clean brushes. Apparently wrapping a brush in cling film and leaving it for 2 months is a legitimate alternative to cleaning the paint off and drying. I've given up buying decent quality brushes
Drivers using a hand held mobile 'fone :evil: or those who overtake me too closely when I'm on the Blokebike - Rob
A dual carriageway is coned off down to one lane, theres a sign telling you its going to be in 400m at 300m you join the queue but there is still a number of cars that pass you and push there way in further down making your wait in the queue even longer :evil:
SWMBO leaving washing up in the bowl to soak for so long that the water goes cold, the bubbles disappear and a film of scum forms on the top of the water. :twisted:

Malc :D
Pet Hate : -

Shop assistants that throw your change down on the counter.

several times I've retrieved it . gone and picked up something else in the shop ( that I dont really need )... and when they say " 99p" or whatever the cost, throw the money all over the counter.
Usually meets with a shocked open mouthed stare..
To which I will say... " no, I didn't like it either, bye "

Don't suppose it does any good in teaching the person .. but it satisfies the need for revenge ! :twisted:
Middle lane motorway drivers who will not move over and are also on the bloody phone.
Oh yeah - hate drivers using their mobile phones. Find myself fighting the urge to drive in to them.

In fact I despise arrogant drivers. Anyone who is a self-confessed "good driver" or drivers who regale in how fast they drive. And drivers who glare and wag their heads while waiting like they've never pulled across one lane of the road (when it became clear) in an effort to actually get out of a side turning.

Irrational pet hates...
"Loose" spelt as "lose".
Listening to other people's lives, lived out as the one side of a mobile phone conversation - usually on the train.

Don't get me started...

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