Oak front door ...


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Established Member
19 Mar 2003
Reaction score
West Dartmoor, Devon, UK
Well it only took a year (well a baby did get in the way to be fair to me!) but here's my Oak front door with a few coats of Danish oil:

Full progress shots here:
http://www.tregarras.com/photos/v/woodw ... front_door

I enjoyed making it but don't think I'd ever do it again - unless I had a workshop at least twice the size! Total costs with glass and hardware under £150 - considering I got quoted over £200 just to hang the door I don't think that's too bad!

What I found most tricky was doing everything on a larger scale - my usual methods for cutting tenons for instance were a little stretched! Not to mention dimensioning 6' length of 2" thick Oak! And as I think Aragorn warned me about over a year ago - it's not easy keeping those stiles true over that length with a 1m long planer / thicknesser.

All comments welcome.


Very nice door Gidon!

What glue did you use?

Thanks for the comments folks - very kind.
Scott - I used Titebond III. Doesn't really need to be waterproof since it is in a small open porch but still ...
Gidon ,
thats a fine looking door. I have just started an internal door & i no exactly what you are talking about when it comes to keeping the stiles true. For your bottom rail what formula did you use to get the tenon & haunch sizes. You have no weatherboard on door, is that because you have a stormproof threshold? What glass did you use?

Very nice, the Missus must be happy! =D>
What next, a solid oak conservatory? :wink:
Keep up the good work,
Philly :D
very nice. A whole year in the making. A bet there was a sense of relief as well as satisfaction not it is finished.

Thanks very much all.
Andy yes relief definately - it really hung over me for some reason especially the hanging of the door - which actually wasn't too bad after all!
Philly - missus was very happy - I missed the Christmas deadline but still ;). Next - looong overdue coffee table - in the design stage :).
Simon - no formula I don't think - hard to remember now. I think I looked at other doors - it seems fairly standard. No weather board - although it's not fitted yet (I need to redo the sill), I'll fit some of the weatherseal to the bottom raised lip too. The weather seal stuffI used is superb - makes the door very water and air tight. And gives it a nice soft close too. I did plan to do all the internal doors too - but no chance of that now! Good luck with yours - would be interested to see how you get on.
Nice idea with the glass. I'm looking at this at the moment. What size glazed units did you opt for?

Nice looking door & nice touch with the glass Gidon. :D

Just out of curiosity I did notice there was no haunches on the tennons though?? and no wedges ??.
Andy - the glass units were custom made and around 1.3m x 0.3m each. I had a lot of difficulty indentifying the glass we were after. We knew we wanted it frosty looking - but didn't want obscure glass - we wanted it smooth. There were a few options in the end - and we went for sandblasted (one sheet sandblasted on the inside). Cost twice as much I think but still not too bad - £50 for the two panels.
Simon - just noticed I missed the question on the glass - so as above double glazed and toughend units.
Thanks FD - I wondered if someone would pick up the lack of wedges ;). I did intend to - but decided against it at the last minute - it's not directly in contact with the elements and I trust the glue :)! With regard to the haunches - read in Joyce's book that nowadays people tend to leave them off so did!