metal shed v timber shed

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2 Mar 2008
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I need a 7 x 7 shed for misc garden tool storage etc but want it now!

Timber sheds seem to have a long lead time whereas I can buy a metal one straight away also metal cheaper than wood. Personally I hate metal sheds (heat and condensing in winter) so really dont want one!.

can anyone persuade me that metal would be a good idea after all compared to timber? :)

PS shed will be tucked away so aesthetics not that important.
+ 1 for Keter. Not cheap but never regretted buying mine. Solid and totally maintenance free. In my opinion, also looks much better than either wood or metal.
the keter are very expensive for what they are, plastic TAT, but it works, my parents have got one, I tried to convince them to hire me to build a wooden one made with real joinery but they weren't having it.

The advantage of metal sheds is it shelters you from electro magnetic radiation, and alien attacks.
My son Bought a metal shed from eBay a year or two back. Terrible thing, flimsy and the first winter blow destroyed it!

I would knock a wooden one together quickly. I've built a few (it would probably at that size be as quick to make as putting a ready made up!) and found that fence posts and rails that are pressure treated work out to be extremely good value and easy to convert for shed building. Source from a proper fence material distributor not a DIY shed. If you have a cut face just make sure it's facing inside.
thanks for comments. I had thought about plastic but my experience of plastic outside is that it degrades/ fades etc but will take another look....
Yeah, metal is prone to temperature extremes - which generates damp. Plastics should do better but might eventually become brittle. Hard to get wooden ones without shelling out. And even them sometimes. And making a decent timber storage shed is not a minor project if you have a job to go to.
Lots of us have been there.
You might consider buying a metal one and lining it inside with osb and a thin Kingspan type insulation. You could clad the outside too if you wanted to change the look but no need to do that straight away or at all. Could be a very quick way of getting a really good storage shed.
I have a Ketter plastic shed and some other make metal shed, the Ketter is 17 years old and still going strong no degrading of the plastic a slight loss of colour on the green bits but not much, it is used every day.

The metal shed we brought 2 years ago as we were in a hurry for one and couldnt get ANOTHER Ketter for a couple of weeks. Worst shed I have ever had came in about 200 pieces, literally, and took all day for 2 of us to put together. It is also very flimsy and noisy we are going to replace it with another Ketter this year.

Slight tangent to the topic but just to point out, Keter Plastics has a bit of a checkered history in that they operate their factories in illegally occupied Palestine and as such have absolutely appalling regard for pollution control. I'm really not looking to start a flame war based on the politics of it all, both camps on this are mostly already entrenched but in terms of best practice they are one to avoid in my opinion. I only mention this as the toxicity of products and subsequent environmental impact comes up occasionally on this site.
If I was going to buy a metal shed for storing garden stuff in, I'd have a good look at the Asgard range
A lot of their bike sheds have appeared round our way recently and they are more substantially built than the previous favourite from TriMetals. They look much more secure too, though I've not tried breaking in to either make, or any other, for that matter.
We have a Keter plastic shed. It is 5 years old and good as new. Has been assembled , taken apart and re-assembled in different garden and survived that.

However, it is nowhere near as good as a proper, well made, wooden shed. I would wait the extra time and buy a wooden one.