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    • G
      GweithdyDU replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      Just a quick comment from someone who until very recently was an 'accidental landlord' in Wales, where licences are issued, no fault...
    • G
      GweithdyDU replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
      Hellllp. "We have had human rights for years and they been upheld by the justice system in the UK, we do not need some EU bureaucrat...
    • G
      GweithdyDU replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
      Please go and read. The ECHR has nothing to do with EU law and never has had. A common misconception but one that needs to be understood...
    • G
      GweithdyDU replied to the thread Rust Remover--'Jenolite'.
      Quite simple really. I keep animals for my own consumption and occasionally rear a few geese for that purpose. As little goslings are...
    • G
      GweithdyDU replied to the thread Rust Remover--'Jenolite'.
      Deox C for me. Although it is citric acid with a few other things in. If you can warm the solution slightly it speeds up the process. It...
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