Made at college

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Hi adidat, no i hand routered the circle out after scoring the surface of cabinet door glued in place then sanded flush with the surface of the door
I'm not sure I like that band of darker wood down the centre of the door, but the inlay work seems to have been well done. Clicking on the largest sizing of the pic though shows that fitting the door might have been 'hurried' as there are very uneven gaps...and I'd suggest also that the hinge side might be binding a tad? Although the silver knob is OK, a wooden one fitted lower down (to give more visual weight) might have been more appropriate - Rob
Very good work for a first proper effort, I'd take on the helpful comments from Rob when designing and making the next piece. Looking forward to seeing it
thanks for posting these pictutes Worsley. Just wish that my first pieces were half way as good as yours, so congratulations. Now can we have lots of pics of your further work, best as WIPs.
Good luck
Many thanks for all your comments and all noted and I will try harder to get it spot on, on my next project which is a single pedistal tilt-top table
Just got to workout what timber to make it out of, maple Im thinking so watch this space for the WIP bot it wont be quick
Hi, Nice piece. I like everything apart from the inlay on the front. But each to their own.

I think I tried to getting on the course you are doing at a college near me, however they didn't run it as an evening course.....
So I had to make do with the site carpentry course instead :0(
Hi Melinda, I also enrolled on a night course for cabinet making and also for furniture restoration but both were cancelled due to government cutbacks so full time cabinet making was my only option, hope your enjoing your course
I could have done the cabinet making course full time, but unfortunately I have a full time job so couldn't. Bit gutted but never mind... the first year I think is mainly bench joinery anyway, so maybe it may stand me in good ground for a future job in a workshop one day. fingers crossed
Very nice work there dave! I wish my first piece was even half as good as that! So well done and keep at it. Melinda, I started off on a site carpentry course myself. As you probably knwo the first bit is doing basic joints in the college workshop and then you make some sort of frame to show your understanding of hand and power tools. Once I had done that it was on-site time after being on the course for about 3/4 months. I spent about a month or so actually out on a building site, grabbed as much site evidence as I could and then the job finished so was sent back to college. I then luckily got sent back out to a bespoke joinery company and ever since I have been working in workshops. I passed my NVQ Level 2 in Site Carpentry with only a month or so on a proper site and the other year and a half or so in a workshop!

So my point....... it just goes to show you can go anywhere with that Site Carpentry & Joinery NVQ certificate. So far I have spent 5 years making bespoke joinery (windows & doors), 9 months making furniture for a cabinet making company and now I have spent so far 2 months today working in a factory producing pig sheds (how glamourous! - You'd be suprised how good these sheds are costing over 2 million in one of the contracts!) but..... I am working with wood on machines and with hand tools everyday. And I am also regularly using a panel saw to cut plywood and 44/70mm polystrene insulation boards. All at different angles that need setting up and cutting accuratley.
And when I'm not at work now I try and do some cabinet making on the side too.

This is what I'm hoping is going to happen... maybe one thing leads to another and hey presto I'm in a workshop with wood full time... i hope :?
I'm in quite a well paid job at the moment, but all day I just dream of working with wood for a living... that's when you know it's time to move on... good pay or not!!

The pig things sound great... I'd love to make those chicken coops from scratch they look cool too.