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    • Doris
      Doris replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
      The 2 main ID's you need to in order to vote in yesterday's election are Driver's License - Provisional Application costs £34.00-£43.00...
    • Doris
      Doris replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
      It's not the inconvenience of producing the ID, its the need to do so that I have an issue with. How many elections have been in this...
    • Doris
      Doris replied to the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY.
      It may have something to do with providing ID in order to vote nowadays. I voted by postal vote to avoid this but when I went with the...
    • Doris
      Doris reacted to RobinBHM's post in the thread THE FOURTH OF JULY with Like Like.
      Keir Starmer has had to fight against right wing populism to win. In 2019 Boris Johnson won by lying about brexit, he used Steve...
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