Let's be Honest -can you even make money from woodworking?


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I am self taught, working out of a garage having been doing joinery for a year. I am a picture framer as well so have worked with timber for years. I was doing some joinery for friends but decided to advertise my services doing joinery about this time last year. As with the post above, i am working 7 days a week and long hours but i am getting plenty of work and using up offcuts from jobs to make things to sell all the time whilst still doing some picture framing.

Money can be tight at times as often i am having to still buy new router cutters, jigs etc, but you need to have the atttitude that this hard graft and time from your family will be worth it. I am enjoying what i do and it is already working well for me aftrr only a year.

Getting back to topic, i am not a fan of plums, but used to go around to a friends house called Bernard who had loads of plum trees.

You would not believe how many house names we discussed when we moved, as wifey rejected outright what our house had previously been called. It is worse than naming babies and that is bad enough. We almost called the house John.
I just love standing under our plum trees and getting stuck in on a sunny day.
But I absolutely dislike plums cooked as a desert, plum jam or plum pickle, chutney etc.
My mother made loads of plum jam, I hate the stuff!
When ;Er indoors wants to cook, she can make the most delicious food, cakes, pickles jam, etc.
but leave the plum out for me.
Now that is a very good question. As breakfast is obviosuly the best meal of the day, my fave restaurant is Joe's cafe. Oddly, it has not yet achieved international recognition. He might need a business plan.
AJB, you need to know that one of West Kent's best Cafs is on the Transfesa estate at Paddock Wood. I haven't been for about three or four months (too much 'Lard around the middle' according to the Head Dietician) but the last visit was truly memorable (as visits to transport Cafe's go).
Thanks Zedd. I shall seek it out and see if it should be Michelin starred. It is weird really that I get to eat to for work in fancy restaurants, but you still can't really beat a classic fry up, with ketchup, runny eggs and toast. I am tempted to have one for lunch! Despite my wifely half making similar comments about me.....
AJB Temple":kyuac4el said:
Did Eric taste nice? Probably dipped in a bit of batter and popped in the deep fryer?
I had a wild boar once and he was called " Percy", and I made a living from wood working, I just happened to stop the trees from living

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