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Established Member
24 Aug 2002
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I've just noticed that I havn't posted this yet so here it is;



This box was the result of my second 'play' with the jig and as you can see the results are really good - The dovetails look great and most importantly the box is square ..... Full review coming soon so watch this space :wink:

UPDATE: Updated image urls
Congratulations Charley!

Your box looks pretty good to me. I can't wait for the review coz I'd love to know how easy the jig is to set up, how "idiot-proof" it is, and if it's worth the £350ish price tag. You have to make a lot of dovetails to get value for money!


Hi Gill,

The review shouldn't be too long although right now I'm spending my spare time designing a new website but It's nearly finished now so I should get some time next week to write it.

The jig is really easy to set up and doesn't take long at all. As I said that box was only my second go with the jig and only took about 7 mins to make. Is it idiot-proof? Well I've managed to use it ok :?

The price tag is a bit high at £300 if woodworking is only your hobby but it all depends on how much you think you'll use it. My view about it is how many projects I could of used dovetails in the past but didn't have the time/energy/skill to do them by hand and how many future projects that will benefit from using dovetails.

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