Good hearted builders

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Established Member
18 Feb 2011
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Switzerland, near Basel
This is a story about the bond formed between a little girl and a group of building workers. It's allegedly true and might help to confirm your belief in the goodness of people everywhere, and that there is hope for the human race after all …………

A young family moved into a house next door to an empty plot. Shortly afterwards a gang of building workers turned up to start building on the empty plot.

The young family's 5-year-old daughter naturally took an interest in all the activity going on next door and started talking with the workers.

She hung around and eventually the builders, all with hearts of gold, more or less adopted the little girl as a sort of project mascot. They chatted with her, let her sit with them while they had tea and lunch breaks, and gave her little jobs to do here and there to make her feel important.

They even gave the child her very own hard hat and gloves, which thrilled her immensely.

At the end of the first week, the smiling builders presented her with a pay envelope - containing £5 in 50p coins. The little girl took her 'pay' home to her mother who suggested that they take the money to the bank the next day to open a savings account.

At the bank, the female cashier was tickled pink listening to the little girl telling her about her 'work' on the building site and the fact she had a 'pay packet'.

'You must have worked very hard to earn all this', said the cashier.

The little girl proudly replied, 'Yes, I worked every day with Steve and Bill and Mike. We're building a big house.'

'My goodness', said the cashier, 'And will you be working on the house again next week?'

The child thought for a moment. Then she said seriously:

'I think so. Provided those w---k--s at Travis Perkins deliver the effing bricks on time.'

A little girl from a family that I know was in a supermarket with her grandmother. The child's father, uncle and grandfather were miners (when we had mines :cry: ), but granny thought she was n classes above her social standing. There was a child bawling its heart out, and it went on ... and on ... and on. Suddenly it stopped and there was the complete lull in everyone's conversation that happens at these times. A crystal clear child's voice rings through the supermarket - "thank Christ for that, grandma, the whingeing little f****r's shut up". :lol:
:lol: I know a few people like that, i think it's called the Hyacinth Bucket syndrome!!!!! (hammer)