Getting the last Marmite out of the jar

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17 Oct 2019
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This is about as miscellaneous as it gets.

Most mornings start withe Marmite on toast, so I get through 5 or more 250g jars of marmite a year. Getting the last scrapings out of the near-empty jar has always frustrated me - easy in winter when you simply use hot water to rinse and add it to a soup or casserole, not so much use in summer outside soup season.

Now I have the answer. Loosen the lid so it is no longer airtight) place jar on side in microwave, microwave for 10 - 20 seconds, leave for a few moments, the now mobile viscous Marmite runs into a pool on the inner side of the jar and is easy to spread on your toast. Timing is all, start the process when your toast has been in for c. 60 seconds so the Marmite and hot toast are ready for mating at the same time.

There is only one way to settle the Marmite debate .. we find the people currently fly tipping in this area spread half with marmite, half with honey and throw them into the bear enclosure at London zoo. Winner is the one who gets eaten first.

Am I a little annoyed? why yes, does it show?
Definite No.4 for me...

The kids get through loads of Marmite so I know exactly where you are coming from, appreciate the tip 👍

I actually started using the Lidl version of Marmite a few months ago, it's cheaper, spreads easier and surprisingly the kids didn't even notice the difference.
This is about as miscellaneous as it gets.

Most mornings start withe Marmite on toast, so I get through 5 or more 250g jars of marmite a year. Getting the last scrapings out of the near-empty jar has always frustrated me - easy in winter when you simply use hot water to rinse and add it to a soup or casserole, not so much use in summer outside soup season.

Now I have the answer. Loosen the lid so it is no longer airtight) place jar on side in microwave, microwave for 10 - 20 seconds, leave for a few moments, the now mobile viscous Marmite runs into a pool on the inner side of the jar and is easy to spread on your toast. Timing is all, start the process when your toast has been in for c. 60 seconds so the Marmite and hot toast are ready for mating at the same time.

Dump the full jar in the bin - evil stuff!!🍿🍿🍿