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      skeetstar replied to the thread Oak Block Windfall.
      Here's a pic of what I did with a piece of split oak
      • 20240720_120046.jpg
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      skeetstar replied to the thread No Fault Evictions.
      Keep taking the tablets as prescribed, and try resting in a dark room from time time.
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      skeetstar replied to the thread Howdens.
      Thanks JB. We're looking for a like for like replacement on cabinets. All the white goods are already in place, so probably won't ge...
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      skeetstar replied to the thread Howdens.
      Gentles all, she says she's having a new kitchen in 4q this year. She was thinking Howdens, but after reading the comments in here I'm...
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      skeetstar replied to the thread Oak Block Windfall.
      I made some floor lamps out of similar stock. I got some strip steel and made it into right angled lengths and fixed in place with some...
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      Made one of my redneck bottle openers as a gift for a mate. A scrap of beech, a nail and a bit of finish. Must've made a dozen or so as...
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      skeetstar reacted to recipio's post in the thread Vevor tools with Like Like.
      Yes, they are made in China and will probably break. Just buy a few UK made turning tools as you need them and they will last a...
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      skeetstar reacted to johnnyb's post in the thread festool vac bags with Like Like.
      Just a thumbs up for the festool bags. They are very well made and durable.
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      skeetstar replied to the thread festool vac bags.
      Thanks fellas, I might try that zipped one. Mr Tribe did a video once of something similar using a length of u shaped plastic to close...
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      skeetstar replied to the thread festool vac bags.
      Here is a page showing teh Macam one
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      Folks I have a Festool CTL Sys, the vac in a systainer thing. I want a re usable bag for it, and the Festool ones are around £65. An...
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      skeetstar replied to the thread SERPs.
      My employer contracted me out of serps. I think I still paid the standard NI contribution. Wife and I now get our state pensions, and...
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      A dowel is usually used but I now use a domino
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      It is has all but small castings of SIF 1940. WD It is a SIF, but the records show it may bea copy of a Millers, with no S/N it is hard...
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      skeetstar replied to the thread A new phrase?.
      I think at one time she had been identified as a future Bishop of London. That would have meant her becoming a full time cleric.
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