Get woodworking 2010

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I don't have a separate stand at this show - just a masterclass each day for an hour, then the rest of the time I will be on Classic Hand Tools stand or the Get Woodworking stand.
Make sure you say "hello" if you see me - I don't bite :wink:
Philly :D
trousers":10reyqxi said:
Perhaps if people like Philly, Andy etc had posted about the show a while ago it would have got a few members talking (show sticky notwithstanding).
That weblink has been down for a few days and to me that is just unacceptable in marketing terms in todays age.

From what I saw of the list before the blackout, several previous (regular)exhibitors have not been convinced by this apperent new enthusiasm by whatsername and are continuing not to support the event.
I bet you will find there are just as many, if not more of the 'tat' stalls at the end of the hall, and I really don't think this is what people pay £8.50 to go and see. .

Hi Trousers,

I would have posted a thread about the show, but I didn't want to be accused of self promotion.
I'm happy to comment on other peoples enquiries etc, hence my replying to your initial post.
I've been in touch with HQ regarding the webpage problem and they were aware. The IT guys have been trying to solve it, so hopefully it will be back to normal before the show...
I agree that some of the potential exhibitors have not been convinced by 'whatsername's' enthusiasm (Clare) and I can understand that if previous shows have proven unsucessful for them.
However, we have attracted others such as Classic Hand tools who haven't exhibited before, so hopefully it will still be a good show for everyone.
I'm not sure about the carboot stands, I don't get involved with the organisation of the show as such until the day before, so it may well be there are a couple, but if it is the case, the other stands and demonstrators should hopefully make up for it.
I believe the £8.50 entrance also covers the whole three days if you wish to attend more than once, so pretty good value.
As for Mother's day, as noted by Wizer, we couldn't do anything about that I'm afraid.
We've been caught out by the weather over the last three years, having snow on on two occasions, so we had meetings and listened to the exhibitors and moved it to later in the year.
We would have liked a different weekend, but the venue was booked around that time, and other dates clashed with other events the exhibitors are at, so we worked it as best we could.
Hopefuly by sunday evening there may be some positives to post up regarding the show.
I hope so, there's been a lot of effort put into it to try and make it a success and offer the visitors plenty of entertainment along the way.
Hope to see a few of you there!

andy king":2w2n72gl said:
I've been in touch with HQ regarding the webpage problem and they were aware. The IT guys have been trying to solve it, so hopefully it will be back to normal before the show...

The web page is now working OK - looks like a good range of exhibitors :D

Cheers :wink:

The mothers day mention wasn't a dig, just an observation and reason for me not being able to make it that day.

By the way. There is an 'Affordable Art Fair' in Battersea park from Thurs-Sun, if you like that sort of thing. It is the opposite side of London to Ally Pally. I'll be popping in on my way home.
I won't be going as it's far too soon after YOKB (you can't have too much of a good thing) and if I did merely suggest it in passing to SWIMBO I'd get one of those narrow eyed 'oh you have to go, it's just another jaunt to hang out with your woodie mates' sort of looks...etc etc
The K419 is also being collected that weekend and No1 son is coming home for a roast dinner, so all in's a non-starter :cry: - Rob
I suspect that the turn out won't be as high as they hope. But you would expect that due to previous years. If it is good, then it'll get raved about. But will that be enough for them to put it on again next year? We'll see. I personally hope so. Not least because it's local and the only other on in London is D&M which I doubt I'll ever return to.
I wonder if Waka's going? If he is, you have to feel a little sympathy for the guys on the other side of the counter 8-[ :) - Rob
Shall we save whinging until after the show?


Who's whinging?
Coming from the biggest whinger on the forum I find that a bit rich. Don't you know the difference between a whinge and an opinion?

If the comment is aimed at me, then tell me what I've whinged about.
If you re -read it all i've done is state facts. Sure I don't like the way the show has gone, but several others have said the same.
Andy has been kind enough to reply to most of my comments, and I don't think he misunderstood me when I said that he (and others with an interest) may have posted about it earlier to help promote it. I certainly wouldn't have objected, or seen it as advertising, especially as there is a link in the show sticky. Obviously the OP was suprised that no one had mentioned it with only 5 days to go.
I hope the effort that has gone in makes it a good show, and as I said I may go again in the future. If you had to do a 350 mile round trip for a show which has had bad reviews in previous years I reckon even you would think twice about going.
Jealousy is once again rearing its ugly head :evil: as I miss out in meeting some of you guys, having a laugh, and seeing a tool in the flesh before I buy it (only internet or forum buying for me) :roll:

Only joking I hope everyone has a great couple of days :D


wizer":149hg4by said:
I suspect that the turn out won't be as high as they hope. But you would expect that due to previous years. If it is good, then it'll get raved about. But will that be enough for them to put it on again next year? We'll see. I personally hope so. Not least because it's local and the only other on in London is D&M which I doubt I'll ever return to.


What was it about the D&M show that didn't float your boat? It was the first woodwork/tool show I had been to so have nothing to compare it to but I quite enjoyed it. Are the shows generally better than that?

The D&M Shows are generally aimed at tradesmen and DIY. I wouldn't even label it a woodworking show, as such.

There's nothing particularly wrong with the show, it's just not really got anything that interests me. If I was in the market for a power tool of some sort then I might attend. But apart from buying tools, there's nothing of interest.

Everyone's different, you might hate a show like Ally Pally, West Dean or Cressing Temple. But IMO, these are better for my personal preference.
flounder":mja35bo7 said:
What was it about the D&M show that didn't float your boat?... Are the shows generally better than that?

You get the feeling that there are more cordless power tools on show than people looking..
That is probably why I enjoyed it as I was in the market for some machinery and it gave me a chance to get my hands on some of the options! Really looking forward to Ally Pally on friday though, especially looking forward to getting to see RC in action! :)
Well I hope the show picks and is a good one, I have been to this for some years but will miss this one.
We have the grandchildren over the weekend, I will be collecting them from school on Friday. I know at sometime over the weekend I will have to supply 'things to make' in the workshop. :D 8)
So I will be having a good time here, please take some pictures and post to let me see what you lot get up to. :lol:
Mike.C":2u68qqfx said:
Jealousy is once again rearing its ugly head :evil: as I miss out in meeting some of you guys, having a laugh, and seeing a tool in the flesh before I buy it (only internet or forum buying for me) :roll:

Aye - it's an awful long way from Aberdeen!
To almost anywhere......... :)
dickm":6upk287y said:
Mike.C":6upk287y said:
Jealousy is once again rearing its ugly head :evil: as I miss out in meeting some of you guys, having a laugh, and seeing a tool in the flesh before I buy it (only internet or forum buying for me) :roll:

Aye - it's an awful long way from Aberdeen!
To almost anywhere......... :)

It sure is, by the time you start the trip, the bash or show is already over. Maybe I could go and camp out for next years show :roll:


Just getting the last few bits ready, haven't seen it confirmed or denied - are you all meeting up at our stand (near the entrance) at midday each day or do you have another venue in mind.
I don't mind either way, just someone needs to come out and say it/arrange it!