Fox offer at aveRutlands

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Established Member
15 Jun 2006
Reaction score
Shepperton UK
I see, like everyone else here I'm sure, the offer of a Fox mortiser from Rutlands form £160 to £130

Fox Mortiser with 5/8" Morticer With 4 Free Chisels

Since I have been eyeing such an entity I need some advise here.

I seems a good price and I am not an industrial user any comments from the forum? Any good compared to...?

Any alternative suggestion would be excellent.

To clarify, I do not think I will need something bigger thsn this as I am in the hobby category and have a single garage as my w/shop.

Comments would be appreciated in order to educate the unknowing


Hi Brian,

Just taken delivery of the very same today :D

An early birthday present for next week, some consolation in getting older :D

Had been looking at for a while and noted favourable comments on this particular model in a number of places, mags, forums (including here somewhere I think) as well as customer reviews on the Rutland site itself.

Seeing the price reduction tipped me into making the decision at last.

First impressions having just assembled and tested it:-

a) It's very heavy !!!

b) The instructions, while initially looking fairly good, are actually utter rubbish ! They reference diagrams that are not there, they reference detail on pictures that you cannot see because it is so small or smudged or again not actual on the diagram etc etc extremely tiresome because someone with a half hour to spare could easily improve them to a good level of usefulness. Oh, and they very helpfully encourage you to call their technical support if you have any questions or problems, but there are no phone numbers anywhere in the documentation !!!

c) The chisels and drill bits supplied are metric 6mm, 8mm, 10mm and 12mm not imperial as the Rutlands blurb states. Not a problem for me, but as another customer has already pointed this out on the Rutlands site some time ago, you would have thought they might get round to changing it.

d) It is impossible to adjust the chisel and drill bit to leave the bit protruding by the right amount as advised in the instructions as the drill bits are around 20mm too long and protrude way beyond the bottom of the chisel. Having no Fox contact number called Rutlands who said that it was normal for drill bits to be supplied overlength so that the customer could cut them down to size to suit their particular machine ! I suggested that 1) it would be extremely useful to put an explanation of that somewhere in the documentation and would have saved me a half hour of head scratching and fiddling and a ten minute phone call, and 2) I was not buying after-market supplied chisels/bits, I was buying the machine and surely the supplier should be providing these essential parts suitable to install and use straightaway without the customer having to figure out that he has to butcher his new toy with a hacksaw before he can get to use it ](*,)

Helpful lady is going to get Fox to call me which I guess is good, maybe, but why aren't they going to deal direct with them rather than me spending more time and enegy doing so, Rutlands are the people I paid my money to after all.

e) The base required shimming slightly to ensure the chisel was at 90 degrees to the base, not a major issue and easily fixed.

f) Leaving aside all the Victor Meldrew stuff (exacerbated by being extremely hot in the workshop today), the machine itself, once setup and working, appears to be very good indeed. Very solid and accurate, very quiet in operation, easy to adjust (once you ignore the instructions and use a bit of commensense instead) and had no problem at all cutting accurate deep mortices in some spare bits of hardwood I had lying around.

I don't think the problems I encountered with the instructions and assembly are by anyway unique to this product or manufacturer, and seem to be about par for the course these days, and will be long forgotten about once the machine is being used in anger. So, choose a cool day to assemble it and approach it as a bit of a challenge (like doing a crossword puzzle or something) and I think you will be delighted with the machine at the end of it.

Cheers, Paul

(A bit hot and bothered but happy :D !!!)
chisel":2qidtjq9 said:
Had been looking at for a while and noted favourable comments on this particular model in a number of places, mags, forums (including here somewhere I think) as well as customer reviews on the Rutland site itself.
There's a long one here, fwiw.

chisel":2qidtjq9 said:
Helpful lady is going to get Fox to call me which I guess is good, maybe, but why aren't they going to deal direct with them rather than me spending more time and enegy doing so, Rutlands are the people I paid my money to after all.
Because that's Rutlands all over; they still have a lot of work to do on the service bit of customer service... :?

Cheers, Alf
That was interesting reading thanks Alf.

Posted a review on the Rutlands site this evening, slightly less "Victor Meldrew" like than the one here, but then I had had a cold beer and cooled down a bit by then :lol:

Interestingly, they review the reviews before letting them appear on the site (can take up to 7 days apparently) :shock:

Didn't realise that. Will be interesting to see if mine gets through or not. It was pretty fair and well balanced I thought, but will be a good test of their openess and general approach.

To be fair, I only ordered on Monday evening and had delivery this morning so didn't suffer from the usual "out of stock" syndrome at least.

I can't seem to leave the new toy alone and have kept creeping back into the workshop today and now have a growing collection of bits of wood that have been attacked by what looks like large rectangular shaped woodworm :shock: :D

Cheers, Paul. :D
Well Paul,

guess what, I bougt one as well. I have been on the lookout for one for a while now. At that price it looks great so........I was "forced" to! Well, that's what I tell my SWBO :roll: .

Great so far. I agree with your comments on instructions - just a waste of paper to my mind. No useful information or explanations. :evil:

So I assembled it and found the chisels supplied were fine no prob with lengths at all so I do not know why you experieinced that as an issue.

So far so good, happy chiselling as they say :D
Hi Brian,

It's a nice machine and a steal at the reduced price, hope you are happy with it.

Interestingly, despite the Rutland's ladies promise I have had no phone call from Fox nearly a week later !

Not that dissapointed to be honest, just annoyed at the lack of people doing what they say they will do. :evil:

Hard to understand assuming that they expect and hope you will spend more of your hard earned dosh with them.

Also interesting that my review I posted on their website has not yet appeared there, although I know it's not strictly been the stated "up to 7 working days". It may still appear I guess and prove me wrong, but although I thought it was on balance a favourable review, it did contain some limited constructive criticism, and I have to wonder if the customer reviews are filtered only to show the favourable one's ? :shock:

Worth bearing in mind if you think you might be influenced by them !

I hope that's not the case as I had thought they were better than that...... :?

Cheers, Paul. :D