First Workshop - advice needed!

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4 Apr 2024
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Hi all, it's my first post here, so apologies that it's a dull one, but I don't have any projects to show yet, and too green to pass any comment on anything else!! Thanks in advance, and apologies it's a dull one.

I'm looking to put together my first workshop. I have a 3m (could push to 3.5) * 2.7m space, dust collection will be paramount as my respiratory health is bad enough as it is, and the garage I'd be using gets used for other things outside of this assigned space. The main things I'd want to build would be bookcases, side tables, desks, lamps, shaped shelves and doing some steambending - so unfortunately quite a large mix. Typical design styles we go for are modern takes on mid-century or scandi so I'd want the option to work in Oak, Ash and Walnut, if that makes a difference to Wattage/HP of machinery needed. Our power is single phase only. My budget could run up to around £5k that I have set aside. Although obviously machine by machine if I can, rather than all at once. I have some basic power tools (including an alright Orbital Sander, crappy jigsaw & circular saw, Dewalt combi drill/impact), but clamps, set squares etc. would all need to fit in this budget.

Second hand is an option, but I'm incredibly weary of my ability/motivation to get a second hand machine working/restored. I've also been keeping my eye on the various usual classifieds/market and it's a little overwhelming having 0 knowledge and a lot of the machines looking very worse for wear. It feels like there are enough uphill battles already with getting started, fettling too much with a machine would put a serious dent in my motivation. I understand any new machine will also require fettling to get things square.

Initial Purchases. I think I need these two to get started on making some bookcases, shelves etc.

I did have my eye on the Axminster AW254 as a first purchase tablesaw, however I've been informed by the Axi rep that they're out of stock until July. There seem to be plenty of alternative purchases rather than wait that long when I've already been planning and plotting for months as it is. I'd been put off the AW216 as some reviews mentioned it was underpowered and struggled with hardwood, not sure if anyone can confirm this or not? Any recommendations on a TS would be appreciated as I'd put a lot behind the AW254, and I'm now feeling lost again. I'd been looking around the £800-£1100 price range for this purchase, so iTech/Laguna1 kind of options rather than anything fancier. I'm a big fan of mitred edges and bevels on furniture, which seemed to lean more towards a 10" blade than an 8", so that a mitred crosscut wasn't too limited on board thickness if using a sled.

I think the other key initial purchase would be a router. I think I want a router table, probably paired with a separate router as well. I'd considered the Rutlands R15 lift and motor in a home made table. I can see myself using a router a lot and the Festool Routers seemed to be leagues ahead of others for extraction, but that was mainly because most of the recommendations I could find online were for US only models where the UK ones weren't recommended, e.g. the 1/2" DeWalt.

<Edit> As I posted this I realised that the R15 has gone back up £150 to £500, I think that brings something like the AUKTools Motor back into contention.

Dust Collection I had looked at the Axminster AW153E, potentially paired with a Festool extractor for sanders, router, router table etc.

Potential and Short/Medium term purchases once I've tried a few projects with the above.

A combi planer thicknesser could be on the cards, ideally I'd wanted to use boards and break them down myself, but I'm thinking I could rely on squared all round, purchased online, for now. I don't think I'm going to be able to do lots and lots of hand planing, I'm prone to RSI in my shoulders and elbows from injuries. I think a PT, whilst expensive, might be key to me enjoying the hobby. Alternatively I could get a lunchbox thicknesser like the DeWalt, with a skid, and jigs on the tablesaw to tide me over.

A bandsaw would then need to follow at some point, to help resaw and open up the option of using boards rather than squared all round, but also as I can see myself wanting to do curves and make templates for the router. Both Record and Axminster seemed to offer Bandsaws in the £1k range that could resaw up to 12".

Are there any standout suggestions people have for any of these, or any key mistakes I'm making?
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Hello and welcome- my 1st thought is If you are just starting out on your woodworking journey and in your own words you are green , and your not sure of your abilities then before you potentially spend £1,000s on tools and equipment you need to get a feel for what you will enjoy doing and what you are capable of. Maybe a few woodworking courses or joining a woodworking group ( men’s shed ) or similar. Every machine you have mentioned can inflict some serious injuries if not used/ set up correctly. I don’t want to put you off in anyway but you need to be realistic and with that your safety and the safety of those around you comes first. So by all means go down the hand tools route but before buying loads of machinery and equipment decide what exactly you want to make and then decide on the best way to achieve this . Eg a track saw will be better for breaking down sheet goods rather than trying to balance an 8 x 4 ft sheet of plywood, before getting a 1/2” router then try a 1/4 “ model to get a feel for it - the power difference on the 1/2” will be noticeable and not for the feint hearted even if it’s fixed to a table.. I wish you luck but just be careful and get some experience first and don’t just rush in with guns blazing..
I agree with Bingy man. Aiming to set up a complete workshop in one hit is not the way to start. It takes years to build up. What can you make with the tools you have now? Then pick a project slightly more ambitious that you feel you can tackle and perhaps buy another tool or machine to help get that done. Continue the process one project at a time. Be aware of the workshop space you have to play with and avoid overfilling it with machines because you also need space to actually make things. First major project for most woodworkers is a half decent bench. Does not need to be flash just practical. Builds up some basic skills and gives you the most important tool in the shop. Anyhow welcome to woodworking.
The space you have allocated for a workshop is fairly limited - you need to be very sure that all machines earn their keep.

Tools and equipment needs change with time. Many (me included) find that their initial expectations of what they might make, and the kit they need, changes over time.
  • larger machines have a bigger footprint which may not be usable - with a 3m max workshop dimension the longest item you could put through a machine will be below 1.5m
  • consider mounting machines on mobile bases - the first project could even be building the bases. Bases can be used for storage which will be limited
  • buying machines for current projects from decent popular suppliers will allow you to better understand your actual needs - if they need to be upgraded they should be easily saleable.
  • do a floor plan showing accurately - dimensions of all machines, think about how they will be used, how much storage, size of workbench, wood storage, space to work safely etc
I had never heard of mens sheds until I came on here. Have a search for one local and find out when they are open. I really want to encourage you, but some of these places can be 'cliqhuey', if you know what I mean. Others can be the total opposite. If it means you travelling a distance to one of the latter ones, then so be it. You will learn important safety aspects of woodworking, so it really is well worth it. You'll also find out what machines you are happy to use and otherwise. Please, please go and find out for yourself. If you're the gregarious type, then all the better. Enjoy your journey into woodworking, it's great. Welcome aboard! HTH.
"Axminster seemed to offer Bandsaws in the £1k range that could resaw up to 12""

That is serious machine! Do you mean 'resaw' or capable of cutting 12" wide stock flat on the bed? I have the 10" Axminster Workshop model and find it difficult to imagine why I would want larger.

Good luck

Sorry, I forgot to add (see Terry above) that when it's raining you'll potentially need an 18ft long workshop to plane a 6ft board, unless you are happy to start from an open door! (How do I know?!)
Good luck with your workshop. You mentioned that it is at a push 3.5 x 2.7m. If you were a woodturner than that would be fine. However, you stated that you were planning to make furniture. That area is far too small, especially as you intend to install equipment.

You used the term "crappy" to describe some portable machines that you would like to have. My advice would be always buy quality.

The advice that you are being given by other members from this forum is recommendable. I would have saved myself a small fortune if I had received this advice from earlier.

We both live in Derbyshire, I am looking at disposing of the majority of the inventory of my workshop. I may have a number of items which may be of interest to you.

All the best!
Hi all, it's my first post here, so apologies that it's a dull one, but I don't have any projects to show yet, and too green to pass any comment on anything else!! Thanks in advance, and apologies it's a dull one.

I'm looking to put together my first workshop. I have a 3m (could push to 3.5) * 2.7m space, dust collection will be paramount as my respiratory health is bad enough as it is, and the garage I'd be using gets used for other things outside of this assigned space. The main things I'd want to build would be bookcases, side tables, desks, lamps, shaped shelves and doing some steambending - so unfortunately quite a large mix. Typical design styles we go for are modern takes on mid-century or scandi so I'd want the option to work in Oak, Ash and Walnut, if that makes a difference to Wattage/HP of machinery needed. Our power is single phase only. My budget could run up to around £5k that I have set aside. Although obviously machine by machine if I can, rather than all at once. I have some basic power tools (including an alright Orbital Sander, crappy jigsaw & circular saw, Dewalt combi drill/impact), but clamps, set squares etc. would all need to fit in this budget.

Second hand is an option, but I'm incredibly weary of my ability/motivation to get a second hand machine working/restored. I've also been keeping my eye on the various usual classifieds/market and it's a little overwhelming having 0 knowledge and a lot of the machines looking very worse for wear. It feels like there are enough uphill battles already with getting started, fettling too much with a machine would put a serious dent in my motivation. I understand any new machine will also require fettling to get things square.

Initial Purchases. I think I need these two to get started on making some bookcases, shelves etc.

I did have my eye on the Axminster AW254 as a first purchase tablesaw, however I've been informed by the Axi rep that they're out of stock until July. There seem to be plenty of alternative purchases rather than wait that long when I've already been planning and plotting for months as it is. I'd been put off the AW216 as some reviews mentioned it was underpowered and struggled with hardwood, not sure if anyone can confirm this or not? Any recommendations on a TS would be appreciated as I'd put a lot behind the AW254, and I'm now feeling lost again. I'd been looking around the £800-£1100 price range for this purchase, so iTech/Laguna1 kind of options rather than anything fancier. I'm a big fan of mitred edges and bevels on furniture, which seemed to lean more towards a 10" blade than an 8", so that a mitred crosscut wasn't too limited on board thickness if using a sled.

I think the other key initial purchase would be a router. I think I want a router table, probably paired with a separate router as well. I'd considered the Rutlands R15 lift and motor in a home made table. I can see myself using a router a lot and the Festool Routers seemed to be leagues ahead of others for extraction, but that was mainly because most of the recommendations I could find online were for US only models where the UK ones weren't recommended, e.g. the 1/2" DeWalt.

<Edit> As I posted this I realised that the R15 has gone back up £150 to £500, I think that brings something like the AUKTools Motor back into contention.

Dust Collection I had looked at the Axminster AW153E, potentially paired with a Festool extractor for sanders, router, router table etc.

Potential and Short/Medium term purchases once I've tried a few projects with the above.

A combi planer thicknesser could be on the cards, ideally I'd wanted to use boards and break them down myself, but I'm thinking I could rely on squared all round, purchased online, for now. I don't think I'm going to be able to do lots and lots of hand planing, I'm prone to RSI in my shoulders and elbows from injuries. I think a PT, whilst expensive, might be key to me enjoying the hobby. Alternatively I could get a lunchbox thicknesser like the DeWalt, with a skid, and jigs on the tablesaw to tide me over.

A bandsaw would then need to follow at some point, to help resaw and open up the option of using boards rather than squared all round, but also as I can see myself wanting to do curves and make templates for the router. Both Record and Axminster seemed to offer Bandsaws in the £1k range that could resaw up to 12".

Are there any standout suggestions people have for any of these, or any key mistakes I'm making?

If I had a small workshop and was starting out again, my choice of (table) saw would be either a tracksaw on a MFT, or the Festool portable tablesaw (which is double the price of the Axminster, but has superior dust collection - one of your priorities - and a sliding table). An MFT with a track hinge with offer great versatility. Build a router table into it (if you do not yet have a router, find a used Elu 177e on eBay - I have a couple. One of the best ever made, and still going strong after 25 years). And storage below. There are a number of options here, ranging across the price range, with Festool at the top. Others will guide you here as I live in Australia.

Yes on a combination thicknesser-jointer. Best way to save space and get more in the jointer bed width (which is more important than bed length).

Hand tools are definitely the way to go. They have served me well for over 30 years. You really need seven for anything you may encounter in building furniture ... but only get them as you need them (over time), and buy the best quality you can. that does not need to mean that you buy the most expensive brand, just tools that do what they are intended to do. New, used, whatever.

The seven important planes are: jack (#5), jointer (#7), smoother (#3 or #4), block plane, rebate plane, router plane, and shoulder plane.

Plus sharpening gear (add in a grinder).

I am assuming that you have a drill and chisels. Eventually add a benchtop drill press. They are incredibly useful.

Regards from Perth

I have a space about the same size. I have made full height bookshelves, double bed frame, large storage benches. So it can be done. But this was mostly hand tool work. That gives me more space to work. The trick is coming up with ways to work around some of the limitations.
A workshop is something that is not set in stone, whatever you start out with will change as your needs change. The one thing you will need is a nice big bench for both working on and assembly so start your homework looking at benches. Another very important tool is a mitre saw and then ask yourself about sheet goods, are you working with a lot of sheet goods or more substantial timber ? For sheet goods the ultimate tool is a sliding table saw which requires a lot of space and is expensive so what many people use is a tracksaw, another lot of homework for you and search these forums for info.

Take a look at peter millards videos as he has a lot of info on various tools and methods of doing things including tracksaws and MFT's.

For a workbench cutting solution look at

from benchdogs and here are a load more videos which will help
I was going to offer some helpful advice, but I get the feeling it may yet again be a waste of effort, as is this post.


1 post and not seen for over 2 months...
1 post and not seen for over 2 months
That is just what can happen, we don't know Bilbo's circumstances or what other commitments he may have so all we can do is offer help and hope it is appreciated and that the person becomes a longer term member, many times it is a trade of skills and experience but no everyone may have things to share yet.

Then enough hand tools to do it without power
The problems with some handtools is that they require a lot more skill to use and also need rubbing on an abrasive material to keep them functioning at there best unless you use a bigger mallet !
A workshop is something that is not set in stone, whatever you start out with will change as your needs change. The one thing you will need is a nice big bench for both working on and assembly so start your homework looking at benches. Another very important tool is a mitre saw and then ask yourself about sheet goods, are you working with a lot of sheet goods or more substantial timber ? For sheet goods the ultimate tool is a sliding table saw which requires a lot of space and is expensive so what many people use is a tracksaw, another lot of homework for you and search these forums for info.

Take a look at peter millards videos as he has a lot of info on various tools and methods of doing things including tracksaws and MFT's.

For a workbench cutting solution look at

from benchdogs and here are a load more videos which will help

Hi Spectric,
Very interesting that you consider a mitre saw important. I have one but hardly ever use it so would regard it as a low priority. - It might be because I have a cheapo job and get better cuts using other methods. - My staples are handsaws, tracksaw and bandsaw.
I do agree that workshops evolve and in my small space that even depends on the current project(s).
Hi all, it's my first post here, so apologies that it's a dull one, but I don't have any projects to show yet, and too green to pass any comment on anything else!! Thanks in advance, and apologies it's a dull one.

I'm looking to put together my first workshop. I have a 3m (could push to 3.5) * 2.7m space, dust collection will be paramount as my respiratory health is bad enough as it is, and the garage I'd be using gets used for other things outside of this assigned space. The main things I'd want to build would be bookcases, side tables, desks, lamps, shaped shelves and doing some steambending - so unfortunately quite a large mix. Typical design styles we go for are modern takes on mid-century or scandi so I'd want the option to work in Oak, Ash and Walnut, if that makes a difference to Wattage/HP of machinery needed. Our power is single phase only. My budget could run up to around £5k that I have set aside. Although obviously machine by machine if I can, rather than all at once. I have some basic power tools (including an alright Orbital Sander, crappy jigsaw & circular saw, Dewalt combi drill/impact), but clamps, set squares etc. would all need to fit in this budget.

Second hand is an option, but I'm incredibly weary of my ability/motivation to get a second hand machine working/restored. I've also been keeping my eye on the various usual classifieds/market and it's a little overwhelming having 0 knowledge and a lot of the machines looking very worse for wear. It feels like there are enough uphill battles already with getting started, fettling too much with a machine would put a serious dent in my motivation. I understand any new machine will also require fettling to get things square.

Initial Purchases. I think I need these two to get started on making some bookcases, shelves etc.

I did have my eye on the Axminster AW254 as a first purchase tablesaw, however I've been informed by the Axi rep that they're out of stock until July. There seem to be plenty of alternative purchases rather than wait that long when I've already been planning and plotting for months as it is. I'd been put off the AW216 as some reviews mentioned it was underpowered and struggled with hardwood, not sure if anyone can confirm this or not? Any recommendations on a TS would be appreciated as I'd put a lot behind the AW254, and I'm now feeling lost again. I'd been looking around the £800-£1100 price range for this purchase, so iTech/Laguna1 kind of options rather than anything fancier. I'm a big fan of mitred edges and bevels on furniture, which seemed to lean more towards a 10" blade than an 8", so that a mitred crosscut wasn't too limited on board thickness if using a sled.

I think the other key initial purchase would be a router. I think I want a router table, probably paired with a separate router as well. I'd considered the Rutlands R15 lift and motor in a home made table. I can see myself using a router a lot and the Festool Routers seemed to be leagues ahead of others for extraction, but that was mainly because most of the recommendations I could find online were for US only models where the UK ones weren't recommended, e.g. the 1/2" DeWalt.

<Edit> As I posted this I realised that the R15 has gone back up £150 to £500, I think that brings something like the AUKTools Motor back into contention.

Dust Collection I had looked at the Axminster AW153E, potentially paired with a Festool extractor for sanders, router, router table etc.

Potential and Short/Medium term purchases once I've tried a few projects with the above.

A combi planer thicknesser could be on the cards, ideally I'd wanted to use boards and break them down myself, but I'm thinking I could rely on squared all round, purchased online, for now. I don't think I'm going to be able to do lots and lots of hand planing, I'm prone to RSI in my shoulders and elbows from injuries. I think a PT, whilst expensive, might be key to me enjoying the hobby. Alternatively I could get a lunchbox thicknesser like the DeWalt, with a skid, and jigs on the tablesaw to tide me over.

A bandsaw would then need to follow at some point, to help resaw and open up the option of using boards rather than squared all round, but also as I can see myself wanting to do curves and make templates for the router. Both Record and Axminster seemed to offer Bandsaws in the £1k range that could resaw up to 12".

Are there any standout suggestions people have for any of these, or any key mistakes I'm making?
I have been a woodworker for over 50 years and I can say it is a most satisfying and enjoyable hobby. In my case, my workbench is probably the most used piece of equipment. A heavy, solid bench with one or more strong wood vices will immediately improve your work. Spend a bit of money on two or three good hand planes, a good set of chisels and sharp back saw (the japaneses pull saws are great) you will be glad you did. I would do this before investing a bunch of money in power tools.

However, as far as power tools go, my 10" tablesaw is the workhorse in my shop followed by a router table I made with a router permanently mounted in it. I have a nice jointer and it is handy but frankly I could do most of my jointing by hand with a plane. I also have a big bandsaw and a thickness planer which both get plenty of use but not nearly as much as the table saw. I have several battery powered tools including a trim router which is vey handy.

You are right to think about dust collection. This is a necessary evil that I ignored for far too long. All I can say is that you should focus on removing fine dust at the source and that means lots of air flow from your dust extractor. If you can, vent the dust to the outside and you won't have to spend money on expensive filters but if you cannot do that, focus on filtering down to 3 microns or less - the small particles are the truly hazardous particles.