Elbow Grease - 10/10 product :D


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Established Member
1 May 2016
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Was not aware there is such a product actually called elbow grease, can be found at poundshops/home bargains for £0.95 or from ebay for £2 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Elbow-Grease- ... 1675139443


wanted to clean up my tools as well they were kinda dirty and with all kind of muck, searched what is the best stuff for this and saw someone mention this stuff, well 95pence at homebargains not much to loose.
To my surprise it actually worked, I had a makita drill that was covered with something like bitumen plastic from roofing work and marked with a sharpie all over which I had bought from bootsale for a couple of £ just because It was in such a state and was so ugly. Well 30minutes later and with a bit of actual elbow grease+ the elbow grease product that tool looks again like from a showroom.
Cleaned pretty much all of my arsenal with that stuff and everything came up like new =D>
It's also supposedly good for cleaning car engines etc..
First found out about Elbow Grease on a motor home forum it really is a great all rounder house/motorhome/and round the house but got to admit never tried it on my tools.
When I was a nipper, me,my brother and Billy from next door decided one day to give our bikes a proper clean with all the enthusiasm and deadly intent of kids. We were virtually professional mechanics at one point while talking about what we would do. Full of enthusiasm for our newly chosen careers in 'cyclo-restoration'. We poured into next doors house like a wave and asked Billy's mum what's the best thing to use. She probably looked at us in despair but I don't remember off the top of my head.
'Elbow Grease'.

'Awesome!' Off to the garage we ran. I reckon we looked for it for about an hour. In old boxes, under dustsheets, behind Billy's Dad's bluey mags. Dust and cobwebs everywhere. Wrecked the garage probably in our search.
Oh how the Grown Ups laughed at us when we told them. :| One of them days as a kid that end up with you trusting your mum and dad a bit less at the end of it. You go to bed a bit wiser. A tiny bit more weary in the ways of the world.

And now.

35 odd years later.

I find out it actually exists.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Did it exist then? Probably not.
Billy and his family moved to Birmingham and we lost touch yeeeears ago.
But I'm going to track Billy's Mum down, I'm going to buy a bottle of Elbow Grease, drive to Birmingham, knock on her door and when she answers I'm going to wave it in her face and shout 'Look! I found the F*****g Elbow Grease! Happy now!?!" Then I'm going to drive home and I'll be a tiny, tiny bit happier with life.
Then I'm gonna clean my bike properly.

And in the time its took me to write this post about regaining a little of my childhood innocence you're all posting about wan.... Ah Sod it. I'm off to get a drink.
This stuff must be great I was passing a branch and thought i'd get some to try
Shelves groaning under the weight of sundry cleaning materials
Big fat gap where EG should be
Went to 2 other branches in sheffield. The same in all shops

I am afraid this stuff does not get rid of Arthritis of the Elbow, I had to have an operation and invasive intervention of an angle grinder attachment to achieve a good nights sleep and release from it, I used to sleep with my arm out of the bed on a side table to prevent it seizing up, it also does not work on the thumbs or wrists, so I can't recommend it. :ho2

Although Cortisone is a magic cure, don't know how good it would be for cleaning tools though.

flh801978":1r5p1tq6 said:
This stuff must be great I was passing a branch and thought i'd get some to try
Shelves groaning under the weight of sundry cleaning materials
Big fat gap where EG should be
Went to 2 other branches in sheffield. The same in all shops


'passing a branch' mustve been painful....

you needed this stuff:

https://www.amazon.co.uk/Elbow-Grease-O ... bow+grease
flh801978":3d9jtxn7 said:
I tried home bargains which pound shops have it?
not sure.. I just saw it was written on amazon reviews that you can get it from poundshops,
I got mine from homebargains for £0.95 so it's right up the poundshop pricing..
Or you could save your fuel/time and just order it from ebay for £2

Bm101 I must admit I had that moment in my life as well when I thought that it's an actual product before I learned the meaning of it :D
owsnap":16s9fmvx said:
flh801978":16s9fmvx said:
I tried home bargains which pound shops have it?
not sure.. I just saw it was written on amazon reviews that you can get it from poundshops,
I got mine from homebargains for £0.95 so it's right up the poundshop pricing..
Or you could save your fuel/time and just order it from ebay for £2

Bm101 I must admit I had that moment in my life as well when I thought that it's an actual product before I learned the meaning of it :D

Engineers for 100s of years have been sending new apprentices to the works stores for elbow grease or a long weight

I guess these days HR would soon get involved
lurker":10oktrrt said:
owsnap":10oktrrt said:
flh801978":10oktrrt said:
I tried home bargains which pound shops have it?
not sure.. I just saw it was written on amazon reviews that you can get it from poundshops,
I got mine from homebargains for £0.95 so it's right up the poundshop pricing..
Or you could save your fuel/time and just order it from ebay for £2

Bm101 I must admit I had that moment in my life as well when I thought that it's an actual product before I learned the meaning of it :D

Engineers for 100s of years have been sending new apprentices to the works stores for elbow grease or a long weight

I guess these days HR would soon get involved

dont forget a reach around
Temporary "Bench Mark" "A long weight/wait" "Compass gaps" the list goes on.
