Drill chuck


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Established Member
11 Feb 2011
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Any recommendations for a drill chuck to fit a 2mt tail stock?

I want to spend as little as I can for something that is of good quality.

I have seen them ranging from a tenner to more than £75, including Jacobs brand, rgd's own branded ones, props, all of the turning suppliers and some ungraded ones. Without handling them I cannot tell the quality.

I think I would prefer keyed rather than keyless unless somebody can tell me that keyless are good.
I have a diamond brand chuck on my drill (the same as those linked to above), and although it was really good to start with and I liked it, it has begun to be a bit difficult to open and close...


Edited to add;
I still use it though, so it isn't that bad
I have a similar one to those above, picked up from a discount stall at a woodworking show, and it`s been fine. No need for a £75 job for amateur use, I would have thought.
Thanks. Can they be stripped down and refurbished if they get stuff? I question the value in doing so if they are only £9 to replace though.
what is the drawbar?

I have got a secondhand jacobs which is said to be in good condition, and didnt seem badly priced at all at £24 posted. It looks in good condition on the pictures, if it isnt I will send it back.

And I was just about to order the proops one when i fount that one...
phil.p":wjxony1p said:
It's not recommended to use a morse taper chuck in the headstock without a drawbar. Where possible they're better used in the tailstock.
It was in the Tailstock Phil pulled tailstock back and left chuck spinning broke drill and went walkabout