Donating your time to raffles, good causes etc.

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Established Member
14 Sep 2006
Reaction score
Hackney, London
I'm considering donating my time as a prize for a street party raffle. I figure if I phrase it correctly (its time not materials etc) it could be okay. Not much, a couple of hours but there's lots of small jobs that people cant always get done and that are too small for a chippy to touch so I thought it would be a worthwhile thing to offer.

Have I missed something? Has anyone done this and been burnt?
Hi Milko!

I think this a good idea, --well done!
I've done something similar in the past, and it worked out okay. Sometimes we just have to trust 'the fates' if something 'feels' like a good idea. And also, you might help inspire other folk (esp. the young!) to act in such a good / philanthropic / community spirited way...

My younger lad (an artist) works a lot in this vein, he 'trusts the universe' that his philanthopy will, one way or the other, probably come back to him, (one day, some how), and just lets go of the result, just aiming for the good which comes out of giving. And it really works for him, --what an inspiration he is for me! :D

I'd say, just go for it, and see what happens, and you might well get yr reward in simply serving your fellow beings and seeing smiles on very grateful faces!