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Established Member
UKW Supporter
29 Jan 2022
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Signing up on ukworkshop I was offered a discount on membership and the perks of selling etc. Missing the offer I was then asked if I wanted to donate, I agreed as I wanted to advertise my woodworking machines here. Odly, after completing the credit card boxes payment was refused asking me to pay by paypal. Paypal are, to me, a bunch of S***$. Years I had a PP account, before being forced to by ebay if you wanted to sell on there. In around 2019 PP rolled out this two form factor thing asking me to input a mobile number, as that was a secure means to access account. I have no mobile I told them, no worries, download the app. DOH! Another message was to download the pc two form log in from symantec. Done that and still no joy as they too wanted a mobile to send code to! PP froze my account because I did not comply. They refued to explain how a mobile, which can be lost, stolen and hacked is far safer than the landline plugged into my wall? In the years with them my banking details, phone number, address and email remained unchanged. Contacting the EU banking dept they confirmed a mobile was not a legal requirement for banking. PP refused to answer that and gave me 24 hours to empty my funds. A bunch of S***$. Explained this an meesage to admin here asking if I could send a cheque but sadly no reply. Today, another request and again the form states PP. I have no intention to rejoin PP and nor would I advocate using them.
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I am afraid that is the stupidity of modern thinking, you get a log on issue with a web site and they tell you to go to your account and fill in there online form, which is the very same issue you are trying to resolve. They now assume people are all born with a mobile device and even if you live in the middle of the amazon jungle you will still have a mobile device, they are utter phone zombies and cannot believe humans can survive, communicate or live without one and it really pees so many people off. They need to learn about circular references, you cannot fix something with something that is part of the problem in the first place. A good example is the GOV uk site, once upon a time you could use the verify service from the post office but no more. Now you need things that once you are retired you no longer get, ie wage slips and other options are a passport which again they assume everyone has even if they never go out of the country so a great catch 22.
Signing up I was offered a discount on membership and the perks of selling etc. Missing the offer I was then asked if I wanted to donate, I agreed as I wanted to advertise my woodworking machines here. Odly, after completing the credit card boxes payment was refused asking me to pay by paypal. Paypal are, to me, a bunch of S***$. Years I had a PP account, before being forced to by ebay if you wanted to sell on there. In around 2019 PP rolled out this two form factor thing asking me to input a mobile number, as that was a secure means to access account. I have no mobile I told them, no worries, download the app. DOH! Another message was to download the pc two form log in from symantec. Done that and still no joy as they too wanted a mobile to send code to! PP froze my account because I did not comply. They refued to explain how a mobile, which can be lost, stolen and hacked is far safer than the landline plugged into my wall? In the years with them my banking details, phone number, address and email remained unchanged. Contacting the EU banking dept they confirmed a mobile was not a legal requirement for banking. PP refused to answer that and gave me 24 hours to empty my funds. A bunch of S***$. Explained this an meesage to admin here asking if I could send a cheque but sadly no reply. Today, another request and again the form states PP. I have no intention to rejoin PP and nor would I advocate using them.

I think the idea that a mobile is safer is probably due to the fact that they know a whole lot more about you and your ID attached to your mobile device than they can with any land line. We leave a device signature everywhere and that device until something interrupts the heavens from believing that we're the one using the device is more us than we are ourselves.

Just have transitioned phones and PCs three months apart and am encountering the same thing. I am on two new devices and the universe is sometimes not happy about it.
He's fussing about here. And a person can use PayPal by credit card and not signing up.

And I did answer him at least twice. I was researching crypto currency options also, and this one would work. I have not tried that, but if you do, please let me know when you donate so I can upgrade your account.

Our Bitcoin Wallet:
And sorry I didn't see it sooner. I would have seen it sooner if in the Support and Announcement forum.
I get the frustration with circular referencing but don't have much sympathy.
I find paypal a valuable service because it keeps many sellers one step removed from banking details. Most of my online purchases are done with it.
Yes I agreed to the two factor authentication, but whenever that comes up, I have a choice of a text message or having their system phone me up on a chosen number. That's not restricted to mobiles.
I get the frustration with circular referencing but don't have much sympathy.
I find paypal a valuable service because it keeps many sellers one step removed from banking details. Most of my online purchases are done with it.
Yes I agreed to the two factor authentication, but whenever that comes up, I have a choice of a text message or having their system phone me up on a chosen number. That's not restricted to mobiles.
Really, have they phoned you with a code and just not sent sms? They confirmed mobile only that is why I took the issue to the EU bank regulator. Apparently they are not a bank but a handler. "because it keeps many sellers one step removed from banking details" one has to have a bank account to use!!!! They have access to your bank and that is the worry when they are clearly judge, jury and executioner. Change your number with them to your landline and just see what happens. You tube them and see the horror stories. Other companies call me with a code Ebay just one example and of Ebay, they dumped Paypal. Many a complaint I was told by the operative. Perhaps it was just so easy for a buyer to claim something wrong, getting their money back and keeping the goods! One has the same rights buying used goods on there as if buying at boot sale, no rights. Saw a great story on a consumer programme last year on how the victims life was turned upside when they lost their mobile and the trouble they had getting access to their banking. Sympathy, na.
I get the frustration with circular referencing but don't have much sympathy.
I find paypal a valuable service because it keeps many sellers one step removed from banking details. Most of my online purchases are done with it.
Yes I agreed to the two factor authentication, but whenever that comes up, I have a choice of a text message or having their system phone me up on a chosen number. That's not restricted to mobiles.

Agreed. I've used paypal for about as long as it's been out. I didn't like linking my bank account, but have sold probably 1000 things using it and bought maybe 5 times as many (started using ebay in 1996). I've never actually had an issue where something was taken from my account or withheld from me, but "grandpa user" status may exempt me from some of the controls.

I split my bank account in two so that nobody would have access to all of my account for a charge back, but again, I've never actually had one. I have noticed all of the selling sites in the last couple of years must be getting slapped for doing banking functions even though they didn't intend to, and they are more often telling you that you have to take money out of your account "right now" or just sending it to you to avoid being seen as a bank and dealing with the reporting that a bank does.

Paypal has probably refunded or fixed about $5,000 worth of stuff from bogus individuals or companies who tried to stiff me. this works out over such a long period to be not much per year, but I do feel like in the US as a consumer, using paypal backed by a credit card (where non-business users have huge protections and rights) pretty much makes you bulletproof as far as fraud goes. A great deal of paypal's willingness to fix things here probably has to do with the credit card company's obligations - it's better for paypal to fix something than deny you only to be forced by the credit card company with a chargeback.

Not sure when paypal actually started or how long after 1996 (first ebay transaction) that began.

it's well worth having in my opinion, even if people always want to complain about certain aspects. if someone rips you off on venmo or another upstart where you give up protections to get no or lower fees, then what's your recourse?
My wife got caught by what transpired to be a fraud and neither ebay nor PP were remotely interested. She got nowhere.

this is a surprise unless the terms of sale were hard to decipher. But as mentioned above, extremely long history may be on my side in terms of PP intervention. Anything that I've been stuffed on by a scam seller has been extremely clear, though. Not of the "it's not as good as I expected" nature - same with returns. I haven't been burned (as a seller) by someone trying a return scam or anything that's seemingly common.
It amuses me on occasion when I get an email asking for my email address.

Only emails I ever get are to inform me of Secret Santa and from someone in Nigeria who has some money for me from a distant relative, can't say too much but it's worth over a hundred million
this is a surprise unless the terms of sale were hard to decipher. But as mentioned above, extremely long history may be on my side in terms of PP intervention. Anything that I've been stuffed on by a scam seller has been extremely clear, though. Not of the "it's not as good as I expected" nature - same with returns. I haven't been burned (as a seller) by someone trying a return scam or anything that's seemingly common.
No, neither were remotely bothered or interested.
No, neither were remotely bothered or interested.

was your wife the seller? International buyer?

Over the years, sites that I've used have pushed me to open sales to foreign buyers but I generally don't do it unless the buyer uses GSP on ebay, for example.

the instrument site that's the most popular here in the US has pushed sellers to offer international listings, but I've never allowed it on things I'm dumping and have met more than one person who has been scammed selling overseas or buying overseas.

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