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    • J
      jcassidy reacted to RupertV's post in the thread Buying from Europe with Like Like.
      As an EU seller to the UK, since brexit I now have to fill out an online Customs form CN23 which adds an extra 12-15 minutes to each...
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      jcassidy replied to the thread Plane Blade Squareness.
      Just use the lateral adjuster. That's what it's for.
    • J
      jcassidy reacted to TomGW's post in the thread Buying from Europe with Like Like.
      One of the advantages of living in Northern Ireland (UK) a few miles from the non existent border with 'Ireland' (EU) and family on both...
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      jcassidy reacted to Rhossydd's post in the thread Buying from Europe with Like Like.
      It was one of the great misunderstanding that we were "ruled by Brussels". The reality was very different, almost the opposite, and by...
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      jcassidy replied to the thread Buying from Europe.
      If we're talking Ethnicity, I'm pretty sure the vast majority of you lot are Angles or Saxons, with a decent bit of Celt and a...
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      jcassidy replied to the thread Buying from Europe.
      I have a benefit! SWMBO smokes and I recently, on a trip to Birmingham, managed to buy 1,200 cigerattes in duty free for roughly €5 a...
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      jcassidy replied to the thread Buying from Europe.
      EU didn't have any say on anything that the UK disgreed with. The UK had more opt-outs than you could shake a finger at never mind the...
    • J
      Both are exactly what I did in the same situation. PITA, stupid lazy installers.
    • J
      jcassidy reacted to the great waldo's post in the thread todays mystery object with Haha Haha.
      It seems a bit slim for a cockroach holder? stamping on them seems a bit more humane than setting fire to them!
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      jcassidy replied to the thread Cookies.
      That would require a cookie to remember the you've rejected cookies... ... and then they track all the sites you've rejected cookies...
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      jcassidy replied to the thread Cookies.
      You must also realise that any smart phone is a tracking goldmine, especially an Android (Apple is as bad, but it's all owned by Apple...
    • J
      jcassidy replied to the thread Cookies.
      You are going to get tracked and there's nothing you can do about it. You can reduce your exposure by; A. Not using Chrome or Edge (I...
    • J
      jcassidy reacted to Cooper's post in the thread Helping at a repair cafe with Like Like.
      I really enjoyed the session. I met loads of interesting people with a similar point of view about extending the life of useful items...
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      jcassidy reacted to John Brown's post in the thread Helping at a repair cafe with Like Like.
      I should know better than to get involved in this somewhat crazy thread, but isn't it possible that the demise of the local repair...
    • J
      jcassidy replied to the thread Helping at a repair cafe.
      Wow this thread took a turn. Anyway, under Irish law there is a general exemption from public liability for "voluntary work that is...
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