Dewalt DW718V SCMS Review

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Established Member
14 Jun 2003
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Scotland Via London
First of all I am sorry about the large photos, but I cannot get them to a reasonable size, they are either too small or too large. :oops:

I have owned the Dewalt DW718V for over a year now and although circumstances do not let me get into the workshop anyway near as much as I would like (hardly ever lately), I have used it enough to write a review.

You will notice that the model number above ends in a “V”, well this denotes that it has a factory fitted laser (DW7187) and comes with the (DE7023) heavy duty mitre saw stand. You can of course buy the saw on its own and add the laser and stand at a later date, and if you want to take this route, Dewalt have left a connecter which you simply plug the laser into.

As well as the above, the saw comes with a Dewalt Series 40, 60 tooth blade, a spanner and a dust extraction bag.

The specifications are as follows:

Blade Diameter 305mm
“ Bore 30mm
“ Speed 1900- 3400rpm
Power Input 1600 watts
Bevel Capacity 48/48
Mitre Capacity 60 left/50 right
Cutting Capacity at 90/90 (Wx H) 50x163mm
“ “ “ 90/90 (W x H) 345x 94mm
“ “ “ 45/90 (W x H) 230 x 94mm
“ “ “ 45/90 (W x H) 242 x 74mm
“ “ “ 90/45 (W x H) 50 x 114mm
“ “ “ 90/45 (W x H ) 345 x 52mm
Max Cutting Capacity 45/45 242 x 52mm
Max Depth of Cut 163mm (this is for something like 6 inch skirting or coving held upright against the fence)
Max Cross Cut 400 x 50mm (with auxiliary base)

I was attracted to this particular saw because of its double bevel ability, large crosscut capacity, trenching facility, and the excellent mitre preset override. You know how it goes, you want a setting that is so close to one of the presets that every time you set the angle and go to tighten it up it drops into the preset. :twisted: Well with the override facility that is a thing of the past and now you can set almost any angle without a problem. :lol:

The laser is connected to the power supply of the saw, which means that you do not need batteries, and it can be turned on and off with the blade in a stationary position,. This makes it much easier and safer to set up a cut.




The laser can be set either side of the blade and the light is very bright which makes it easy to see.

Surprisingly I did not have to make any adjustments to the laser, as it was spot on straight out of the box.
If you have used a laser with your mitre saw, then you will appreciate it when I say that as long as it’s a good one (preferable from the manufacturer of the saw) and it is set up properly, it can be a real bonus. If you haven’t then may I suggest that you try one because they are well worth the money.

Dewalt say in their advertisements that the stand is lightweight, and although I don’t entirely agree with this, it has a carrying handle in the centre, which means it is nicely balanced if you have to move it around a workshop or building site
When set up, the stand is totally rock solid and will extend from 1.9m to 4.9m. It has flip up stops which are ideal for repeat cuts.


The mounting brackets that attach the saw to the stand are of the spring loaded quick release type, which means you can remove it in seconds and you do not need any tools to do it.
If you have a small workshop and space is at a premium, you could get a few more mounting brackets and use them to attach other machines such as a bench drill or bobbin sander to the stand, and when you have finished you could remove them and store them under a bench.

Now to the saw itself.

Another reason I went for the 718 was its short rails which means that unlike some other saws (my Elektra Beckum included) you do not need a lot of space behind it, and so if you are going to make a built in mitre saw unit like LN and Dom you can place the saw closer to the wall.


The Elektra Beckum KGS300 has an induction motor and I really wanted to replace it with another machine that uses this type of motor, but unfortunately except for one saw from Axminster, EB (now Metabo) seem to be the only company to do mitre saws with a induction motor, so I had to go for a the belt driven 718. In the end this was no bad thing, because when I got it home I found out that the motor is very quiet, and IMHO every bit as good as an induction motor. It is also very powerful and along with a decent blade cuts through any hardwood I have thrown at it, just like a hot knife through butter.

The series 40, 60 tooth blade that comes with the saw is not one of their better blades. It is not really bad, but they do better ones and I would suggest that if anyone went for this saw they buy another blade for the fine work.

In use there is absolutely no tear out with this saw and whether you are cutting a mitre, bevel, or a square cut, all of them are spot on.

I have found no side to side movement whatsoever while pulling and pushing the head along the slide rail, and absolutely no deflection at the blade.

The saw has an electronic speed control, which you can use if you want to cut other sorts of materials.


Now for a rant.

We all know the dangers in workshop, and when I say we I include the manufacturers. You can lose your fingers in a instant on a table or mitre saw and so the manufacturers supply blade guards to help protect our pinkys. We also know the dangers of dust,, so why, why, oh bloody why do 99% of manufacturers make it look like the dust extraction on their machines is an afterthought? This saw is not cheap and in everyway except one it is one of the best mitre saws on the market, but the dust extraction is complete rubbish. It looks like Dewalt had spent all of the design budget by the time that they got to the extraction, so they thought “bugger it no one will notice“. :twisted:




Rant over.

Saying that IMHO the saw is still worth buying. It has 10 preset mitre indents for the most common of mitre cuts, and as I said above if you want a setting that is close to these presets all you have to do is use the mitre preset override. Mitre angles can be set on a stainless steel plate from 0 to 60 degrees on the left and 0 to 50 degrees on the right.


Or slide the fence out of the way and you can choose a bevel from anywhere between 0 to 48 on either side, with positive stops at “0” “22.5” “33.9” and “45” degrees. If you need to cut a piece of timber 400mm (or 16 inches in old money) all you have to do is use a auxiliary base.



The bronze rail guides make for a very smooth and accurate action on the rails, and the trenching facility is great.
A large sliding fence is another perfect part of this Dewalt.



It has a cam action to lock you mitre settings in place and I find this a lot better then the twist type.




Except for the dust extraction this is an excellent saw and is well worth the money. I would also highly recommend the laser and stand.

If anyone is interested in this saw but you cannot stretch to a new one, Dewalt do sell factory reconditioned ones through their agents, which are guaranteed for a year. Some of these have never been used and only have a few scratches on the body, but do shop about because some companies sell them at the price of new ones. The reconditioned ones have an R after the model number.

Not a real in depth review but I hope it helps someone. If anyone would like to know anything else just let me know.

A happy New Year to all :eek:ccasion5:

Good review, however, have you ever used the older 708 which has been replaced with this 718?
We have several of the 708 at work and recently bought one of these 718's and I think Dewalt have seriously taken a step backwards with this saw. Nobody want's to use the new saw and will alway's opt for the 708.
Excellent review Mike. I would also agree on the dust extraction part it is pants. I have found on mine that the slide is rock solid but a little tight in it's slide, maybe this will free off in time? I did as you know buy the laser and stand for mine as aftermarket but found them to be well worth the extra cost. The laser was very easy to attach although a little fiddly trying to get the plugs into their respective homes without trapping any of the wires. The stand as you say is very heavy and solid and seems to be the only one on the market that extends to such a width! Perfect for my gazebo jobs. :wink: I do think the blade that came with my saw was pretty good though as after cutting a pice of ply at a 45 degree angle it felt as if it had been planed! I will n doubt replace the blade once it is worn out with something better but for me this cut is fine. I still have not used mine much yet only cutting the odd length but look forward to using it in the coming year for some real work again. Thanks for the review. :wink:

Thanks for taking the time to post this, good review, looks a whole lot of kit for the money. :D
Makes my old B&Q saw look even more of a toy than it already is. :roll: :lol:

That picture size is fine for me. 8)
Thanks Mike, Seems like a good saw. For some reason I didn't even consider DeWalt when I bought my Bosch (Makita it's closest competitor). That DX does look terrible. It's not great on the Bosch, but then I think there are little, if any, good DX solutions. One thing I did like was the slimmer rail depth, I have been eying up the Kapex for this reason. I wish i'd bought the DeWalt stand. I have a Wolfcraft version and it is horrible. Not sure if I am going to make myself a roll around mitre stand or buy something like the dewalt stand.
Hi Mike

Nice review - cheers.

Can you tell me the size of the stand when it's collapsed?


Good review Mike, thanks for taking the time to write it up. Looks like a cracking saw. Does any miter saw have good dust extraction??
Philly :D
Hi Mike,

Thanks for putting this together - it will be very useful for people searching for info on this saw. I've had mine nearly a year now too after looking around on the forum and exchanging some PM's with Mike.

I echo all the things Mike has mentioned - the dust extraction is poor. With a dust extractor connected to the port it probabably collects around 50% of the dust (on a good day). I have just purchased some bits from Axminster and I'm trying to engineer a scheme to improve this. If it works I'll post some photos. My other response (which is long overdue anyway) is to put a Jet air filter in the workshop. I have positioned it near the saw and it is proving to be effective at picking the fines up.

Dust Ex aside I think it's a brilliant saw and stand corrected about the laser as I always thought they were gimicky. It is very accurate and makes cutting a pleasant experience.

Hi Dave,

Blinking hell is it a year already :eek: Its good to hear that you still like the saw.

Let us know if you get the DX sorted because as I said I will be really interested.


Hi Mike

Happy new year to you and all!

Your photo's have improved dramatically since you first had the camera, as you are not now woodworking too much, you must be reading up on digital photography!

Well done, good review, great pictures!

I forget who it was now, but I was talking to a member a few months ago who said he would have liked to use the DE7023 mitre saw stand with his saw, but that the brackets with which you attach the saw to the stand were too small for his machine. Well it now looks like Dewalt have solved this problem with the introduction of these wider brackets



I've used a very similar DeWalt saw at work (may even be the same model) and, I have to admit, I do prefer the cam lock over the knob/handle you have to twist on the Bosch saw I have at home. I also like the variable speed option - didn't know that existed on any mitre saw! :shock: Doubt I'd have much used for it, though, honestly.

Dust extraction is a huge problem with these things. I've seen that you can box in a smaller, compound mitre saw but, because of the length of the bars at the back of the machine, it's not really possible with a sliding saw.

On our radial arm saws at work, we have a large dust cowl/hood/thing behind the saw but, in all honesty, an awful lot of dust still ends up either side of the rear of the machine. The 32mm hose seems rather pointless after even only a couple of cuts.

I'm also looking forward to seeing DavidE's solution to this. :)

You may also want to consider adding a zero-clearence plate to your saw's base for splinter free cuts. That's next on my list, anyway.

I meet a lot of people who seem to be against DeWalt full stop, but this does look and sound like a really smart piece of kit.
I have no idea why some people don't like the De Walt stuff, I have had nothing but good service from the tools. They are a little pricey but isn't all quality and not just tools. I agree that the dust collection on these saws isn't much good and the only one I have seen that is is the Kapex but much more expensive. I personally am not too keen ion the Kapex as it is difficult to use with my small hands, that aside it is a good saw no doubt. I have tried a few mitre saws and must admit this is one of the best I have used. :wink:
Olly wrote,
I'm also looking forward to seeing DavidE's solution to this.

Me too. Poor dust extraction is a pet hate of mine. I know that it is hard to capture all the dust on a mitre saw, but IMHO 99% of manufacturers don't even try to come up with a satisfactory way. That said it is worth putting up with this little problem to use a quality saw.


Yikes I hope it works :D - I've not had chance to put all the bits together yet to test it out... Router Table construction and a leaking sunroof have distracted me this weekend.


Mike.C":3izo368a said:
Olly wrote,
I'm also looking forward to seeing DavidE's solution to this.

Me too. Poor dust extraction is a pet hate of mine. I know that it is hard to capture all the dust on a mitre saw, but IMHO 99% of manufacturers don't even try to come up with a satisfactory way. That said it is worth putting up with this little problem to use a quality saw.



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