Dead Blow Hammer

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Dave D

Established Member
28 Aug 2008
Reaction score
After decades of using metal planes I am starting to appreciate how good a Phillyplane can be but I have found that learning to adjust it precisely is taking a while.
I concluded that I was using too big a hammer since I was always under or overshooting on shaving thickness so I decided to make a posh hammer for my posh plane.

I then remembered from my apprentice days that the right tool for precision positioning on work pieces on milling machines was a dead blow hammer.

The idea is that a non bouncing hammer would give a more precisely controlled blow so this should work for precisely positioning a plane blade.

That led to an article in Model Engineers Workshop on making such a thing from bits of plumbing .

The result after just a few hours work is in the photos.
The construction should be self explanatory and could be simplified by anyone without a lathe, by making wooden plugs for the hammer faces and a wooden handle, to be araldited into the Tee.

I used a brass stop fitting at one end for use on my lathe with a replaceable wooden face at the other end for the plane.

The lead shot to fill the head came fro a local Dive shop.
There must be space in the head for the shot to move a bit or the dead blow effect is lost.

I can now adjust the depth of cut very accurately with no overshoot.
I am afraid that I am now on another slippery wooden slope.

If anyone else is tempted to give this idea a try I would be very interested to get a second opinion


Nice work!
I'm thinking I might have to make one myself.

What weight of shot did you put in the head?
I did not weigh the shot when I made the hammer. I just filled the head then removed enough shot so that it moved about a bit when shaken.
However by filling up another spare 15mm tee I estimate around 600gm.

The total weight of the head without the handle is 1145 gm
Wonderful! Thank you very much :D

I've go a couple of spare bits of brass the right size kicking around - just got to find some time to play on the lathe now :roll:
Is there a decimal point missing - 1.145Kg is rather heavy?

My Jap. hammer has a 375gm head.

Thank you Harbo
You are quite correct there is a decimal point missing.

The head weight is 114.5gm making the estimated shot weight 60gm

more than 1Kg would be a plane destroyer not an adjuster.
I always use spellchecker but I really need a stupid mistake checker.
And there was me thinking "what shall I do when the bootfairs stop!"

Ok...another fine project of great usefulness

Thank you Dave...that has sowed the seeds of an idea for me!
