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Established Member
10 Oct 2004
Reaction score
Uxbridge, West London
Hi all,

Hope no-one minds me putting this here, but I was quite pleased by this.
Yesterday I tried to order a dust extractor (RSDE2) for the workshop, but the online payment form couldn't handle AMEX (only 3 digit security code, AMEX has 4 - hmm… convenient…) so muttering dire imprecations I gave up on the idea. About an hour later I received a phone call from the shop asking if I was still interested and would I give them the rest of the code; I duly obliged and sat back secure in the knowledge that whenever it turned up over the next week or so SWMBO (still on maternity leave) would be at home to receive it. I had just sat down with a cup of tea about 20 minutes after getting home last night when there was a knock on the door. It was the chap from the shop, which is in Watford (, he decided to drop it off on his way home from work! So I will hopefully be able to use it this weekend! Credit where it's due, I say! :)

Wow, thats impressive, shame isn't like that. If you want to read a long boring story then carry on, otherwise just ignore the rest of my post.

I needed some replacement parts for my bandsaw after the heads of 2 allen screws snapped off while adjusting the upper guides...

I phoned them up, and they said they'd contact Draper and phone me back the next day, did they? No, so the next day I phoned them back and asked what they were going to do and they made me go to the Draper website and find the order numbers myself - which I did and thought it would be the end of it.

A few days past and nothing had arrived so I give them a ring to find out whats going on and they tell me they phoned Draper and that Draper was meant to phone me. So I phoned Draper and they said that they would never say they would phone a customer directly. By now I'm starting to get very annoyed at the constant bulls**t.

I phone back and confront them and this timid woman pretends she has no idea what I'm talking about and puts me through to the person I spoke to earlier on. He insists that some wires got crossed and he would sort it out. About 20 minutes later he phoned me back and said he had ordered the parts but Draper wouldn't send them directly to me so I had to wait and that diytools would send them onto me as soon as they received them.

13 days later I did get the parts I needed... Suffice to say I will not be ordering from them ever again.


You should have dealt with Draper directly from my experience:

My son bought me a mortice machine from Draper, the company he was working for had a trade account and he ordered it on that. The machine arrived, I put it together and tried the 1/4" chisel, one of the three chisels it came with, which worked OK.

Some months later sons company goes to the wall. :(

Some months later I try to use the 1/2" chisel and find that the auger is bent :x , what to do? I rang Draper, very helpful chap takes my name and address. He sent me a prepaid package to send the chisel back in. A week later a new chisel, of better quality than to one I sent back arrives, free of charge. :D
When I contacted Draper after getting sick of the rubbish from diytools they said that they couldn't do anything and that I needed to speak to diytools since they required some number that only diytools would have.

I guess it just goes to show that everywhere you go there are going to be people who want to help, and then people who couldn't care less. I just got unlucky and got numerous people who didn't seem to care about the disruption it was causing.