Complete Cyclone dust collector system to buy.

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Oppressed Slave of Gary The Cat
UKW Supporter
10 Jul 2011
Reaction score
Essex UK
Hi everyone,

I know I'm going to be shot down for this but can anyone recommend a good but compact Cyclone dust collector that I could buy please? By this I mean including the drum underneath.

I know many of you have made one yourself using a kit if parts but due to lack of time I cannot make one and really do need to buy one sharpish.

Hope someone can help.

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From my limited knowledge:

eBay, I recently bought a cyclone for my Festool vac.

Toolovation, for Oneida Air stuff

Axminster, for the big Gucci Jet cyclones

Other vendors are available, but those are the one I know of.
if your vac pipe is up to 55 mm, then theres lots of cyclones on ebay. You can bolt them to any box you have.
if its bigger, then your choices rapidly diminish to zero.
If you do a LOT of woodworking, one of the smaller trade systems with large dust bags might help.
Doris, I think you might struggle to find a complete kit for two reasons:

1: Everyone's setup is a bit different (hose sizes etc)
2: they're so easy to put together yourself

All you need is one of the cheap cyclones and a plastic drum, cut a hole in the lid and screw the cyclone on. Then it's just a case of faffing around with various hose fittings to hook up your vac.

I took my hose fitting and spent an hour in b&q plumbing section and walked away with everything I needed (after paying for it of course!)
MattRoberts":33vqyqal said:
All you need is one of the cheap cyclones and a plastic drum, cut a hole in the lid and screw the cyclone on. Then it's just a case of faffing around with various hose fittings to hook up your vac.

I was thinking would I be able to fit the cyclone to the top of my bench and then have the drum or bag hanging underneath my bench? Just to save a lot of space? Space is a major issue in my workshop at the moment.

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you could hang it on the wall, doesnt matter as long as the hoses dont get kinked.
Doris":3mmxgjt0 said:
I was thinking would I be able to fit the cyclone to the top of my bench and then have the drum or bag hanging underneath my bench? Just to save a lot of space? Space is a major issue in my workshop at the moment.

It will need a drum rather than a bag for sure - the system is pressurised, and a bag will just get sucked into the cyclone.

You could cut a hole in your bench for the bottom of the cyclone to poke through and attach the drum lid on the underside, having the system half above and half below, that would help with the space
strictly speaking Matt, its vacuumised.
always assuming that is an actual word. If its isnt, I claim first dibs on it.
sunnybob":z2obgglc said:
you could hang it on the wall, doesnt matter as long as the hoses dont get kinked.
Don't have much wall space left.

This photo taken a few years ago may give you an idea of the lack of space I have.

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the dust deputy that yeti mentioned *might* fit under your bench if you took the casters off...