BucksDad Workshop Build


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He used metal box cladding for that he said. I'm going to guess he either attached it to the frame before he put it up and/or he's got panelled fencing. Removed the panels to give a little bit more access
Correct in the first option. Fully made the wall panels on the ground and just stood them both up. the 4.5m one was pretty heavy by myself!!

Anyway enough about my shed this is about yours. Apologies for the thread hijack.
No need to apologise. That's the fun of these threads and the forum. Wouldn't have seriously thought about board-on-board without your contribution :)
No need to apologise. That's the fun of these threads and the forum. Wouldn't have seriously thought about board-on-board without your contribution :)


I knew I always wanted the BoB cladding but wanted Western red Cider originally. Only trouble was I built the shed at the absolute peak of timber prices and it was over £100 a metre for the stuff! I didnt have a cat in hells chance of getting £2500 of cladding past the Girlfriend so opted for the Larch instead.

Ultimately the plan is to have a small 3mx3m patio infront of the shed with a pergola coming off it which should make it slightly less imposing on the garden overall as the flat roof along with no windows really makes it seem alot bigger than it is!
Groundworks have started!


Well, as you can see, the garden is getting some major landscaping and being levelled. What a boon to include the groundworks for the workshop base as part of that. You can see the concrete base in the corner - that was hand mixed by the guys. I am SO glad I didn't try to do it myself - would have taken so long!

The slab will now cure over the weekend and the brick plinth will be laid next week
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Ooo, nice! I wanted to do it that way but too much work for our size of trampoline.
Frustratingly, only for posts within the last 30 days. The first post was created in January, so no, I can't
That's interesting, it must be a recent rule change. My clock thread was started life on 10/7/19 and the title was amended to include 'maintenance' 14 months later.
Perhaps @MikeK could comment.
That's interesting, it must be a recent rule change. My clock thread was started life on 10/7/19 and the title was amended to include 'maintenance' 14 months later.
Perhaps @MikeK could comment.

It's a specific benefit for UKW Supporters that's listed - up-to 30 days editing. I believe non-supporters get 1 day or something.
That's interesting, it must be a recent rule change. My clock thread was started life on 10/7/19 and the title was amended to include 'maintenance' 14 months later.
Perhaps @MikeK could comment.

Threads in the Project forum have a two-year edit window for registered users. The understanding is content in that forum will be less likely to abuse and projects could take a while to complete. All other areas are limited as BucksDad described.
Sigh... well a reminder that when you're asking someone else to do something, check they do exactly what you've asked them to!

I did mention putting a DPM under the slab, but I've now discovered they didn't do that and I also should have specified to float the concrete to a nice finish so it's a little bit rough.. however it does look reasonably level

So anyway, I'll have to put some self-levelling compound down and then a DPM before I put the floor down - not as I would have wanted it but then it is only a workshop!
You don't need to use levelling compound. Place the floor "joists" on the concrete and use pairs of wedges to level them. Here I would get a bundle of cedar shingles but the plastic ones used for shimming doors and windows would work if not a touch more expensive. You could cut your own too if you like.

I won't be having joists though because of height restrictions, so it was going to be concrete floor + vinyl flooring. Now I think I will do concrete floor, DPM, egger protect 22m chipboard so I want the levelling compound so it's nice and flat for the chipboard
Sigh... well a reminder that when you're asking someone else to do something, check they do exactly what you've asked them to!

I did mention putting a DPM under the slab, but I've now discovered they didn't do that and I also should have specified to float the concrete to a nice finish so it's a little bit rough.. however it does look reasonably level

So anyway, I'll have to put some self-levelling compound down and then a DPM before I put the floor down - not as I would have wanted it but then it is only a workshop!

Sounds like a bit of a cowboy if you ask me ! It's not your fault, if he did shoddy job it's his responsibility to make it right

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