Bike seat post stuck - help!

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Ah, yes. Roberts is the one. I also frequented Youngs in Lee High Road, Edwards in Camberwell, Chris Comptons in Catford (his brother had motorbike shop going by the same "Compton" name too in, I think, Lee High Road). Good bike shops used to be everywhere.

I always promised myself a T J Quick bike when I could afford it (and had got over my habit of breaking bikes). I don't break them any more, at least not in the style I did when I was younger, but the "afford" bit has never quite come to fruition... Maybe when the kids leave home :)
Many thanks for all the responses. I think it's too far gone now - not sure I'd trust it any more anyway the abuse I've now given it - and used it for carting the children around so do want something I trust! I had spent a good few hours on this before I asked for help here so I think it's time to call it quits.

It is a "made in England" frame - was probably around £400 20 years ago. I've spotted an on sale Specialized Rockhopper now ;)!

Thanks again,

if you we closer I would have sorted it for you. I have plenty of tools to make a motorcycle.. so fixing a pedal bike seat should be no hard task.

shame... I would honestly keep trying grease and hammer on the seat.... or heating the frame to loosen the metal stuck or lodged or rusted in the frame.
Cant go wrong with a rockhopper, especially on sale price. I think you have tried all you can without damaging the frame too much. The other thing with steel frames is the twisting forces when the post is in the vice would probably either snap it or bend it out of track if its that stuck in.

Again if you were closer i would of helped out at my old bike shop. Very rarely a bb or seat post would beat us there.

If no luck with a Specialized try to find a good trek or scott, Specialized has always been my favourites followed by trek as they are the best to ride imo. ignor cheap anonymouis brands with top looking specs as they normally ride like donkeys and the hidden bits (hubs,bb's,headsets etc) are rubbish.
I've seen plenty of mates with old steel bikes and stuck alloy tubes, sometimes the vice method works, sometimes sawing but some are just too bonded to each other. In those cases the only thing to do was apply heat with a torch (as has been said), then you can either free it using the vice trick or if it's still attached go a step further and melt the alloy out as the steel can take this level of heating. You will of course then need to repaint the frame and unless yuo've got a fancy frame it doesn't make financial sense
Thanks all - I've not gone for the Specialized (yet) - looking at Ebay although they all seem to have 19" frames and think I'm more 17/18" ...


How tall are you and do you know your inside leg and i might be able to advise the best size. Different makes vary the size required too.

Thanks Pete just saw this. I'm 5'10" with inside leg 30". The offer at the Specialized store in Plymouth was too good to pass on - got the entry level Rockhopper for £515 (2010 model) - very very chuffed! Went for the 17" model - didn't have enough clearance over the cross bar with the 19" and they don't do an 18" in that range.

Have read since that the forks are not good (Rockshox Dart 3) on this bike but better than the Saracen's ;)!

